
Monday, October 9, 2017

Celtic Chariot Upgrade

The two Celtic/Gallic chariots in the Punic Wars project get an upgrade.  Gone is the half-width cavalry stand holding one chariot as before.  Now, a regular sized cavalry base holding one chariot and infantry support musters from the workbench.  Like the Assyrian chariots before, this makes a more compelling vignette to my eyes.  I like the presentation and this effort doubles the number of chariots available for battle.  That is a Win-Win!
With the chariots rebased, that may be all the incentive needed to field the collection in a game.  If not a game, I ought to at least take stock of the state of the project.  


  1. Another successful chariot rebasing scheme, although that sounds like something sponsored by a government!
    Looks great, all ready to oppose your EIR army!
    Best Iain

    1. Not afraid to tackle a new rebasing scheme, am I!
      Rather than as opposition for an EIR army which I don't have, my plan is for these fellows to face a Roman Republican army in support of the Carthaginians.

  2. It is surprising how ‘full’ the bigger base can look with a single chariot and a few foot. Though rebasing is an onerous task, I think going down this route has been a most worthwhile exercise and likely to influence a lot of other gamers in their basing decisions.

    1. Norm, this has been a most worthwhile exercise and not too painful either. Since the chariots were already fielded, only the infantry supports marched into and through the painting queue.

  3. You are definitively the Master of the Chariots imho Jonathan....Terrific!

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, more chariots! This may be it for awhile at least until I begin a Trojan War project...

  5. Excellent work Jonathan. While many find rebasing a chore, I don't - provided there is a reasonable rationale behind it.

    1. Thank you, Mark! I am not afraid to take-on rebasing. When finished, I trick myself in thinking I have a whole, new army!

  6. Nice rebasing, Jonathan. I tend to standardize basing for different periods also.

    1. Thanks, Dean! Since these chariots and the Assyrian chariots before are intended for Impetvs, the standardization across different periods is already a given. Makes it convenient for Litko purchases, for sure.

  7. Looking fantastic Jonathan! Love the shields too :)

  8. Look great, Jon! I think maybe even better for the Celts.

  9. Very very nice. An unusual base for a chariot.
