
Friday, October 27, 2017

Fall Cycling on the Palouse and Preparing for Winter

With the heat of summer long gone and a crisp chill of fall in the air, the outdoor cycling season may be drawing to a close.  Like the midday sun already low on the horizon in the photo above, how many more beautifully sunny days are left on the calendar before Pacific Northwest is thrown into the long darkness of winter?  
Being in the mindset of preparing for an approaching long dark and cold period ahead, a sunny day with temperatures in the mid-50's F is not to be easily brushed aside.  Daylight hours can be short during winter and after the time change, it can be dark by 4pm.  After that, cycling outdoors can only occur on weekends.  With the changing colors of fall, time to head out on the bike and not lose this fleeting opportunity. 

A few snapshots from the GoPro on the mid-afternoon ride.

Also in mind as winter looms, is the annual ritual of preparing figures for the dark and cold days of winter.  That means a re-evaluation of 2017 Project Plans in an attempt to align annual goals with the remainder of 2017.  Wait!  I did not publish 2017 Project Plans in January?  No worry.  With only two months remaining in the year, planning should be made that much easier.   

Below are a few items I would like to prepare for painting over the upcoming winter months:
  • 25mm Assyrian Wars - Yes, a few units are in the painting queue.
  • 32mm ECW - while the project has been declared "complete" for a long time, I picked up enough Empress Miniatures' cavalry to field one regiment of horse.  That would be a nice addition to a project that has not seen any activity on the painting desk since 2011.  No painting of ECW figures in six years?  Shocking!  
  • WWI Aeroplanes - with a rekindling of interest in Canvas Eagles, one or two aircraft ought to get onto the workbench.
  •  15mm Samurai Battles -no units off the painting desk in 2017.  Time to correct that oversight.
  • 28mm Napoleonics - Another project seeing no activity on the painting desk thus far in 2017.  Progress here would be good too.  A few battalions of Spanish in transit provides motivation to re-examine the project.  Plans to get the collection back onto the gaming table would help the motivation too.
  • 18mm 1799 and 1859 projects - not enough work on either of these two projects in 2017.  Perhaps step it up?  Both projects saw repeated action on the gaming table, though.
That should be enough for a start.  If some of these see activity during the long winter months, I will be pleased.      


  1. Looks like a great day out. Interesting plan for the months ahead. I am considering my list as well, mostly to get the spray primer on before the temperature drops for good.

    1. It was a pleasant afternoon out on the bike. All week has been sunny. A bit more warmth in the sun would be appreciated. My plan is to head out again after work today and then take the bikes to the lake on Saturday. Perhaps not too many days like this left in the year.

      With cold winters, it is important to get a head start on laying in a supply of primered figures.

    2. Concur, unfortunately the temperatures turned before I could get back home. Currently I am using a space heater in the garage to get my Winter projects ready. So many musketeers!

  2. Seems like only yesterday that we were following along on the spring bike ride! After a run of unseasonably warm weather here in norther NE, the feel is (finally) starting to remind us of the approaching season--haven't got my hobby "to do" list together yet. I suppose cleaning up the painting area will be project #1!

    1. It does seem like only yesterday, Ed! The 100F heat of summer is still fresh in mind as well.

      Cleaning up the painting area is a good job for the long, dark days of winter.

  3. Beautiful weather in recent days; nice change from the wind and rain last week. Planning to mow the yard one last time until Spring (I hope).

    1. Beautiful fall weather, for sure! I have one more lawn mowing or perhaps not! Leaf raking is definitely forthcoming.

  4. Great shots, and finally I can see your blog again after my computer decided to block me for so long. I'm back to the turbo trainer for the winter myself - Zwift with watts training. I'd love to say it's in preparation for the racing season - too old for that stuff now :)

    Envious of the great condition of your roads - no potholes. I have become expert in swerving around the ones we have on the remote hills over here.

    1. Glad to have you back and unrestricted!

      I have never tried a turbo trainer. When the weather is unpleasant outdoors, I head indoors for the stationary bikes in the gym. Not as satisfying to ride as my bike but acceptable in keeping a good level of fitness during the winter months. I ought to give a turbo trainer and Zwift a try. Zwift looks quite interesting and motivational.

      As for the roads, most roads in the area are as yours; strewn with potholes. I was offering a public service by only including new roads in the photos.

  5. Yes I'm furiously prepping for priming, laying in a good stock for when it gets too cold to spray outdoors, lovely colours, it's still unseasonably warm at the moment but I think the frosts are coming next week!
    Best Iain

    1. No frost, yet, here but it will not be long in arriving. Even in the garage in the depths of winter it can get too cold to lay down spray primer. Better to get in a supply of primered figures before it gets too cold. The trouble is predicting what you want to paint over the next few months.

  6. Glad you got out on a ride, Jon. This has been a very warm, dry Fall in Southern New England thus far, and I must say that the usually spectacular fall foliage of our area has been both late and unusually dull, only peaking around now, Heavy rains and wind on Sunday seem likely to put an end to even that shortly!

    1. Peter, I cycle daily year round. Outdoor excursions are much more pleasant than indoors on the stationary bike so I never look forward to the winter months. I do go through a lot of books and lectures on tape while spinning indoors so that is a positive!

  7. Lovely fall colors there! Sounds like some great projects in the works too.

    1. Always a number of projects in work. The whole hobby is a Work-in-Progress!

  8. Great lookng day Jonathan. I wish I could report similiar sunny scenes, but it is a wet spring for us. That is a fine project list.

    1. Weather has been splendid. A little too cool for me but pleasant nonetheless.

  9. Replies
    1. Always something in progress on the workbench, Ray. One day, I may run out of storage space.
