
Friday, March 31, 2017

Foundry Black Bande Arquebusier Skirmishers

After having pushed out 46 Artizan Landsknecht to represent the Black Bande (see Landsknecht Black Bande), a four-figure stand of arquebusier moved across the painting desk to finish off the pike block.
Unlike the Artizan Landsknechts that these four hand gunners will join, these figures are from Wargames Foundry's excellent and venerable Renaissance range.  Truly first rate sculpting and the models have held up very well over the years.   
In addition to these arquesbusiers, a nine-figure stand of Landsknecht hand gunners is seeing action at the painting desk.  These nine-figure, when finished, will be fielded as an Impetvs 'T' stand of missile troops carrying the Black Bande motif of red/black.  
Remaining in The Lead Pile are enough pikemen to field at least one more Foundry Landsknecht pike block, nine TAG Italian crossbowmen, three stradiots, a couple of guns, and a couple unopened bags of Old Glory arquebusier and crossbowmen.  A number of odds and ends remain but the available inventory has been worked through.  The cavalry remaining, besides the outstanding Perry Stradiots, are Foundry late medieval Men-at-Arms.  Since these are much smaller than either Foundry's Gendarmes or Perry, I may pass on painting these.  Several units of the Foundry late medievals have already been fielded but the size differences are noticeable. 


  1. Replies
    1. Always appreciate your unfaltering support, Christopher!

  2. Wonderful painting, black is so hard to get right sometimes, you seem to have managed it quite easily Jonathan!!

    1. Thank you, Ray! Black was quite easy, Ray. Just slapped it on and then hit it with Minwax.

  3. Great work Jonathan. I have received an order today from Warlord Games and I will paint new Landsknechts soon :)

    1. Thank you, Michal!
      I bet your Landsknechts will be beautiful.

  4. Brave-looking fellows nicely rendered. The entire Black Band should look quite imposing!

    1. Thank you, Ed! The pike block alone is imposing. Adding another nine figure stand of handgunners to the collection will lend a swath of red/black to the field of battle. I need to change the color palette for the next units to hit the table.

  5. These arquebusiers are really impressive, wonderful job Jonathan!

  6. Yes, good job on the black in particular. At this rate you will start getting in control of your lead pile ..... quick, you need to buy more stuff! :-)

    1. Thank you, Norm. If you have not guessed yet, my Lead Pile seems to be without limit. Probably more unpainted than I can paint in my remaining lifetime. Sheesh, that is a depressing thought. One small step, I did not add to it in March. A very rare feat!

  7. They look great, Jon! I made a Litko order for some Impetus bases.

    1. Thanks, Scott. Impetvs? Hooray! What period are you considering for a new project?

  8. Wonderful work, as always Jonathan.

  9. Excellent addition as always Jon.

  10. Great Stuff - the simple colour scheme works well

    1. Thank you, Oli! Simple scheme, no doubt but after painting crazy costumes, it was time for something a little more conservative.

  11. These look great, nice additions to your black band, I'm fielding foundry and OG landsknechts in the same pike block and I think they work well, if you are needing to use up odds and sods, be interesting to know how the TAG figures fit in as well.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! After working over the 46 figures in the pike block, painting only four seemed a simple task. Made me push more Black Bande arquebusier into the painting queue.

      I find the TAG figures more slender than either Foundry of Old Glory. I like the TAG figures a lot! Nine TAG Italian crossbowmen are in the painting queue somewhere.

  12. Fine additions to the ranks of your Italian Wars collection, Jon!

    1. Thanks, Peter! Another unit for the project coming off the workbench soon.
