
Monday, December 19, 2016

Assyrian Chariot #6 Rehab

Work continues plodding along to reburbish nine Foundry Assyrian chariots.  Today Chariot #6 passes across the painting desk and into the holding box.
Besides the standard damage I have come to expect, Chariot #6 is one of two chariots that arrived missing a yoke for the team.  Fortunately, an email to the good folks at Wargames Foundry was well received and two replacement yokes were send for free.  Nice service!
With six chariots finished and three to go, I see the light at the end of this tunnel.  After the final three chariots are completed, time to peek into the next long and dark tunnel.  That tunnel is to begin forming a plan of action for fielding an Assyrian Army for Impetvs.  All the figures needed for such an undertaking have been procured.  Next task is to actually begin producing supporting units.  This project will wait until 2017, however.


  1. Another great looking chariot!
    Colours are awesome!

    1. Thanks, Michal! The purple with yellow trimmed carriage is a good combination.

  2. Awesome job, once again, I am very impressed by the quality of your job on these Assyrian chariots!

    1. Thank you, Phil! About time to turn towards building foot units.

  3. Good shout from Wargames Foundry.

  4. Fantastic painting - what a great looking chariot.

  5. Great work on that chariot, nice to see you getting to the point of getting a game with them


    1. Thanks, Ian! This project is just beginning. 2017 likely will be the year I focus on this burgeoning project now that my appetite has been whetted by chariots.

  6. Another excellent chariot Jonathan!

  7. Another very fine chariot Jonathan!


  8. It looks great, of course! Now how deep do you want to go into Assyrian history? It's a fascinating period that deserves its own set of rules!

    1. Thank you, Scott!

      It is a fascinating period but not one I am too familiar with. My study has been more focused on Greek and Persians. I do have several good book. As for rules, are you prepared to write one? I will cheerfully playtest!

  9. Another superb Assyrian Heavy Chariot, Jon. You are reminding me (again) that I have three more unpainted Hincliffe HCh that I bought almost 10 years ago to augment my Assyrians, but which remain deeply submerged in the depths of the lead pile. Perhaps the Canaanite Rehab project will inspire me to get them done as well!

    1. Peter, three more chariots lay in wait to keep reminding you of your unpainted Hincliffes! When you begin your Canaanite rehab, I bet you pull those chariots into the mix. I would!

  10. I'm glad to see that the yoke's on you ... or on your chariot. Looks fine, Jon. The purple is quite charming. Whoever first painted these chariots did some very fine detailing along the wheels, I've noticed that on each of your finished products.

    1. Michael, the scroll work on the wheels is especially nice and add a lot of interest (to you and I at least) to the models. The guy who painted the chariots originally laid down a great framework. As I work through the rehab, I appreciate them more and more.

  11. Very nice Chariot rehab. Its a bit like pimp my Chariot for wargamers! The last one inspired me to finish a Mitanni Chariot that had been waiting to be painted for ages! Thanks Jonathan! Do you have any local opponents for the Assyrians?

    1. David, it is a bit like "Pimp my Ride!"
      Glad to provide some inspiration on your own chariot wars project. As for local opponents, none yet but I am rounding up some interest. Since I only have chariots ready to field at present, it will take time to build up a gameable force. That gives potential opponents plenty of time to field their own army.

  12. Another nice chariot refurb, your well on your way and they're coming up well, nice to hear foundry were sympathetic, they will no doubt reap the rewards when you stick your next order in!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Well, Foundry was on the receiving end of two recent orders. Enough Assyrians are in house to field two Impetvs armies. Now, the challenge is to paint them all!

  13. Brand new follower here! Really impressed with your project. Hope to see more soon. I'm working my way thru Trojans and Sea Peoples chariots myself, so I feel your pain! Good luck with the project.

    1. Welcome, Christopher!

      Although a bit too early to commit to 2017 project goals, getting the Assyrian Project off the ground is high on the list. I have a Trojan War project laying in wait for activity some day. A few of my Trojan War chariots can be seen from a quick search of the blog. My plan was to begin work in earnest on Trojan Wars but the Assyrians trumped that thought. I look forward to following your project.
