
Saturday, December 17, 2016

3rd Am Ende Austrian Light Infantry Battalion in 1799

As alluded to in a prior post, the second of two Austrian light infantry battalions marches off from the painting desk.  This baker's dozen of light infantry musters out as the 3rd Am Ende Light Infantry Battalion.  Like the 4th Bach before, figures are AB Miniatures.
The 3rd Am Ende is a "German" battalion so identified by its gaiters.  Again, pike-grey jacket and pants with white webbing were chosen.  Having a few specialist battalions in among the sea of white coated foot soldiers adds a few spots of color to the spectacle even if that color is pike-grey.  
The Montebello 1800 roster is quickly filling out.  Next on the workbench are three grenz battalions.  After that, attention will turn towards rounding out the French.  Needed for the French are two more battalions of light infantry.  Finishing those, the OB may be complete and ready for the game.  The OB needs a closer look before I can claim all is on track.  Still, the plan is to refight Montebello 1859 first while more troops for the 1800 battle are completed but the 1800 OB may be finished before I begin the 1859 game.  The game table is covered in northern Italian landscape and completely consumes my 12' x 6' table.  A few photos will better illustrate the geographical situation.  I will work on that this weekend.


  1. Another splendid job, waiting fr the Grenz now!

    1. Thank you, Phil! You will not wait long for the parade on Grenz.

  2. Another great looking unit , lovely paint job on a very elegant uniform.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! It is an elegant uniform, isn't it?

  3. Love them, Jon! Now I need some Austrian lights for myself.

    1. Thank you, Scott! Get some Austrian lights for yourself! I have enough 28mm FRW Eureka Austrians infantry in casquet to field a battalion of infantry. Maybe a light infantry in the pre-1798 casquest would look interesting?

  4. Another fine looking unit. I checked and I do indeed have enough surpluus Austrians in helmet to do an 18 figure unit. I will go with the more blue interpretation of Pike Grey for that unit, I think, and I'll have to choose one with a different facing color! I am looking forward to seeing the Grenzer as well!

    1. Thanks, Peter! For pike-grey, I have been using Ceramcoat Tidal Pool Blue. Next time you visit your local craft store, take a look at TPB and see if that looks correct to you.

  5. They look great on the one stand. Nice to see the Colonel in the unit with out him sticking out the front. Kudos being able to make that style work for Napoleonics gaming. Certainly be using it for my new WSS army if I wasn't fitting in the others pre-existing armies. :) Its great being able to pick a unit up and put it down one handed with no fiddling!

    1. Appreciate your kind comments, David! I prefer single stand BMUs when possible and as you state movement of a single stand vs many reduces much time and fiddliness.

  6. Another top looking unit to add to the collection.

  7. Nice looking unit. I really like the addition of the mounted commanders to the units at this scale.

    1. I like having an integrated mounted colonel too. I have followed this method with 18mm SYW, 15mm AWI, and now 18mm 1799 projects.

  8. I love these helmets. I would prefer the flag more lively fluttering in the wind.

    1. Thanks! Sometimes I make the flag fluttering, sometimes I like to see the emblems.
