
Friday, November 25, 2016

28mm ACW Project Brigade Review

Here is my little Federal brigade comprising three foot regiments, four gun sections, and more than its fair share of commanders.  The brigade is ready for action!
Infantry and one command stand are Sash & Saber.  Guns, crew and two command stands are Old Glory.  Left in The Lead Pile are a handful of infantry, not enough to field a fourth regiment, and an Old Glory Federal camp scene.  The latter was picked up as an Old Glory Army Card bonus from several years ago.  To paraphrase Walter Brennan, "One of these days I'm gonna climb that mountain."  The Lead Mountain, that is.

Four Federal gun sections
140th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment
10th New York National Zouaves
114th Pennsylvania Rgt Collis' Zouaves


  1. They all look wonderful, but the gunners look extra nice! Some serious beard grooming going on in the artillery section!! :D Cheers!

    1. Glad you find the Old Glory gunners pleasing. They do have a lot of character!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Christopher, but mine are second rate compared to your fine ACW works.

  3. Very very nice brigade Jonathan!

  4. Excellent, Jon! If you want to paint more figures, just let me know. I have plenty that I could be persuaded to part with . . .

    1. Scott! You are enabling me to veer from my limited project goals with your offer! Perhaps, you can persuade me to part with my leftovers?

  5. Nice little project Jon. Since they look so good you might consider taking Scott up on his offer for more figures.

    1. Bill, you and Scott and not making my task an easy one! You are very kind!

  6. Very tidy project, Jon. I had the Federal and then the Confederate camp scenes as Army Card bonuses; as I don't do ACW gave them to Greg who does!

    1. Peter, we will see how my resolve holds out on maintaining a limited project with this one. Have not been too successful in the past but there is always a first time, right? Right?

      As for the Camp sets, did you paint them before giving them away?

  7. What a delightful force, surely you won't leave it high and dry but continue to expand it? Seriously lovely painting and a nice coherent brigade.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Restraint must be shown at some point. Perhaps this is the project where I make a stand? Yeah, unlikely but there it is. For now I am satisfied with the scope of this little project. Of course, getting them into a game might change that plan!
