
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Great Italian Wars Command

While the current version of Impetvs does not require independent command stands, still, I enjoy fielding a command stand and attaching it to its integral unit.  This visual attachment helps remind me to which unit receives the commander's benefits.  Given that Impetvs Baroque introduced separate command stands, I expect the next release of Impetvs to follow suit.
Given both of the these very good reasons to field commanders for the Great Italian Wars project, off the painting desk trots a two figure stand of mounted commander and aide.  This pair of mounted dandies is from Wargames Foundry's Renaissance range.  Both mounted figures are striking sculpts and a pleasure to paint.  Rummaging through The Lead Pile finds two more similar figures from this range.  Since the project could easily absorb a third pair of mounted command, I will add them into the painting queue.

Having filled two large boxes with painted figures for this project, time to set them out for a group photo.  That event must wait until I clear off the back half of the game table.  Group photo soon, though.


  1. I agree with your sentiment on the command stands, Jon. And they look marvelous as well.

    It will be interesting to see how many of the changes introduced in Baroque make it into Impetus.

    1. Thank you, Greg! Even though Impetvs does not require commanders, I added them to my other Impetvs projects too. As for the Impetvs 2.0, we will have to wait and see. My guess is that many of the changes seen in Baroque appear in v2.0.

  2. I don't play this period, but this command stand is very tempting...excellent job!

  3. Ah, fantastic painted command. I love the colours!

  4. Great looking command, Jonathan. I like how the Foundry figs have those long pleated skirts.

    1. The Foundry figures are first rate despite their age. Timeless beauties!

  5. Great work Jonathan. Really like you choice of colours. Who wouldn't want to do separate command stands - they always look so nice.

    1. Much appreciated, Richard! Separate command stands ought to be de rigueur in all of our armies.

  6. They look like proper warlords, Jonathan. I like them a lot. I quite agree with you on command stands. My favourite ACW rules currently, Longstreet, don't really have any rules for command stands, as command is abstracted into the play of cards. All well and good, but a table lacking proper generals, standard bearers, musicians, strumpets and trumpets is a sad and forlorn thing. :)

    1. Armies ought to have visible and active commanders. Who else to lead are brave, little lead soldiers? Are you adding commanders to your ACW Longstreet project?

  7. Nice work of the mounted leaders, Jon. They certainly didn't go for understatement in this era, did they?

    1. Thank you, Peter! The Big Men on Horseback spared no expense with their frumpery when going into battle, did they?

  8. Well that's some perfect painting.

  9. Thank you Andrew! Very good to see you dropping by for a visit! As for fielding commanders, leaders deserve a separate stand in our armies.

  10. They look great! Even if the rules don't require commands stands, they'll still enhance the game visually!

    1. Thank you, Rod! Based on this limited sampling, separate commands stands ought to hold a place in all rules.

  11. Great looking figures, very nicely painted as always. Nice sculpts and you always need separate command bases and in black powder you need piles! I want to buy impetus but I'm waiting for v2 to come out, looking forward to the group shot of all your lovely renaissance figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Based on the Impetvs Forum and Baroque, changes should be minimal but some of those changes will be most welcome. I will try to clear the table this week for a photo shoot.

  12. Try look great Jonathan, I look forward to seeing the group photos

  13. Replies
    1. Let's see if I can clear the deck this week for a group photo.
