
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

AB Austrian 3rd Dragoon Rgt in Bicorne

Continuing on from the French hussars for the 1799 project, off the desk is a dozen Austrian dragoons.  These dragoons are kitted out as the 3rd Dragoon Regiment still wearing their increasingly, old fashioned bicornes.
The 3rd Dragoons are AB Miniatures from the Austrian Revolutionary Wars range and have quickly become one of my favorite sculpts.  Such crisp and fine detail.  Marvelous figures!
After photographing both the hussars and dragoons and placing them in their storage box, I discovered an error.  To my despair, I found that I mounted these cavalry on the wrong size base.  I know, I should measure twice and base once.  Unfortunately, confusion arose after basing cavalry for the 1859 project.  One uses 40mm x 30mm stands while I have opted for 1.5 inch squares for the 1799 project.  Rework!  Most unpleasant.  Still, better than the time I dullcoated  24 15mm French infantry with flat black.  Took years to recover from that episode.


  1. It's a lovely unit, Jon! Orange facings, it looks like? Pity those didn't survive to the later era!

    Basing errors - arrgh! Done that myself as well, and have narrowly avoided spaying paint or primer instead of varnish. Have gotten the dreaded "frosted" varnish from spraying in high humidity, though - really a pain, that one!

    1. Orange facings, it is! As for the "primer as dullcote" episode, thankfully, that only happened ONCE! I am much more careful with the spray can now.

  2. This marks the first time I have ever heard of you re basing on accident. Usually, it is a deliberate act for an entire army.

    The unit looks outstanding. I concur with Peter on the orange.

    1. Ah, you know me too well, my friend! Appreciate your compliments on the Austrian horsemen!

  3. Those are nice figures and you really did a wonderful job painting them. I totally know the pain of priming a unit of finished miniatures when I thought I was hitting them with dullcote. The words that came out of my mouth made sailors blush with shame.

    1. Thank you, Rod! I understand your plight oh so well! While those words did not come out of my mouth, they certainly rolled around in my head.

  4. Great looking bicorne unit, well done!

  5. Lovely looking bicorne wearers, very nicely painted as always, love the facing colours. I have 400 painted Italian wars infantry plus cavalry and artillery and they are unbased for fear of having to rebase them! I'm just going to keep painting figures and base them all at the end, otherwise I know by the time I finish I'll just be rebasing them!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain!

      I say never fear rebasing although the task could be approached cautiously. As Dartfrog notes above, I have been known to rebase entire projects on a whim. Only one do I truly regret.

  6. ..sorry to read about your basing mishap, your not alone, it happens to us all :o) part of lead life experiences...

    lovely looking unit Jon, well done Sir!

    1. Glad you like them, Phil! This was but a minor setback. All is back in order this morning! I do dislike rework, though.

  7. Excellent brushwork Jonathan, I think painting a mostly white clothed figure is the hardest to get to look right, you certainly made a great job of it!

  8. More beautifully painted troops, Jonathan. You certainly have mastered the white uniforms.
