
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Foundry Gendarmes for Great Italian Wars

A fourth stand of Gendarmes for the 28mm Great Italian Wars project trots off the painting desk.  Classified as CP or heavy horse in Impetvs parlance, this stand will add some additional punch to an invader's battle line.

These five knights are all from Wargames Foundry's Renaissance range of figures and are a mix from the RENMERC31-RENMERC32 codes.  Excellent sculpting and the fully-clad armor makes these knights quick to field.

As often is the case, four gendarmes are left in The Lead Pile needing one more to field a fifth quintet of these fine lads.  Perhaps a couple of the gendarmes noted above could be pressed into service as force commanders?  With four stands already mustered out, my army for this project is beginning to take the shape of a French force.  In the queue is a second command stand for the army.  

Below is the latest group parading off the painting desk.

What is next off the painting desk?  Sticking with cavalry, a dozen Foundry Russian lancers for the Great Game should be next group off the table.    


  1. Lovely figures Jonathon. I am very jealous.

    1. Thank you, Peter! No need for envy, my friend. You have a fine and burgeoning Italian Wars collection yourself!

  2. Lovely troops Jonathan, very classy!

  3. Great looking gendarmes. I have some of these Fopundry figutres in my collection as well. I do think the Perrys went a bit over the top with the mass of the plumes and the bulk of the riders, but what the heck, they still look very impressive.

    1. Thanks, Peter. I have not seen the Perry Gendarmes but you know I am headed over to their website right now. I have a few of the Perry Stradiots and like them very much.

    2. These WF figures were sculpted by the Perrys back when they were with Foundry.

  4. Absolutly wonderful, armors will highlight your future battlefields...

    1. I would enjoy getting these horsemen onto the battlefield for a game soon.

  5. These are excellent, you can never have enough gendarmes in your renaissance armies! Steel fist miniatures have a kick starter for mounted gendarmes on the way soon which will allow even more variation.

    1. Thank you, Oli! I will take a look at the Kickstarter you mentioned.

  6. Fantastic unit! Great work Jonathan!

  7. Now they are rather grand looking fellows Jonathan!

  8. Very nice J, they do look lovely. The Iron Fist Kickstarter coming for the mounted Gendarmes look as if they'll go well with the Foundry figs which are easily the best currently out there.

    1. Thank you, Hendrid! I will look into the Kickstarter you mention. Foundry Gendarmes are exquisite sculpts.

  9. Great looking figures, very nicely painted, these foundry gendarmes are the best around in spite of their age. You must have a sizable Italian wars force now. Any chance of some pictures of them en masse?
    Best Iain

    1. Foundry Gendarmes are nice, indeed. The collection is getting large and a group photo is a capital idea!

  10. Nice work! Can't wait to see them in action.

    1. Thanks! I hope to see them on the table in action too! A coordination of schedules is all that is needed.

  11. Lovely looking Gendarmes, Jonathan. I always liked the look of this Foundry range (as well as many other ranges :) )

    1. Thank you, Dean. I am a Foundry Fan myself! About to give The Casting Room a test run on a few figures I plan to pick up during their current sale.

  12. Excellent work. I like the mix of the barded leader with the unarmored horses in the group.
