
Saturday, June 25, 2016

4th Ukraine Uhlan Rgt for Great Game

Moving from Wargames Foundry cavalry for the Renaissance, attention switches to Wargames Foundry cavalry for the Great Game project.  Off the painting desk today is a dozen Russian lancers for the Great Game project.
These dozen lancers muster out as the 4th Ukraine Uhlans with their light blue facings and blue over white pennons.  Notice that all of the lancers are fitted out as on patrol with lance slung onto their back and carbine at the ready.  Although the uhlans do not come with lancers, I thought adding a lance strapped to each trooper's back would add interest.  The addition of lance and pennon does add a bit of color and interest.
As always, these Foundry horsemen do not disappoint with fine sculpting and easy to paint surfaces.  Wearing greatcoats, Russian uhlans are even quicker to field for battle.
Anything else in the pipeline for this project?  Yes.  A third battalion of Russian infantry and a couple of Indian guns are awaiting their turn at the brush.  Before that, back to the 1799 project where more cavalry are on the painting desk.  One of my goals for 2016 was to field more cavalry for the 1799 project.  Thus far, a number of cavalry regiments have been produced.   This time, more Austrian dragoons and French hussars.  Also in work is a surprise entry for the 28mm Punic Wars project picked up in a recent order from Aventine.


  1. Dependable looking chaps! Very nice sir.

    1. Ah, let us hope they ARE dependable upon the field of battle!

  2. Great looking figures, impeccably done as always. I like the pennons they add a nice touch of colour to what might otherwise have been a rather muted unit.
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you very much, Iain! The pennons do add color do an otherwise drab unit.

  3. Really nice looking cavalry!

  4. Splendid uniform and fantastic paintbrush...excellent!

    1. Phil, you are are too kind with your compliments!

  5. You cannot go wrong with lancers. Always the Belles of the ball.

    At least until the hussars get there.

    1. "Belles of the ball...until hussars get there" is spot on! With both in greatcoats, it is difficult to argue which arm is the most dandy.

  6. The addition of the lances and pennons surely make them pop, Jonathan!

  7. They look super, and I definitely concur with your decision to add the slung lances!

    1. Glad you like them, Peter! I should revisit the Cossack lancers and add pennons to their pointy sticks as well.

  8. Awesome....Your Ukraine Uhlan's look lovely and smart Jon! thanks to your talented painting style.....

    all the best,

  9. It doesn't matter the era, lancers always look great. Well done.
