
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Pass in Review: JAN-JUN 2016

Publishing photos of each unit as it emerges from the painting desk offer a sequential journal of project progress.  The expanse and growth of a forest, however, can be masked by only focusing on each passing tree.  Same holds true for painting progress.  As units are churned out from the workbench, it is easy to lose sight of actual volumes generated over time.  To remedy that loss of perspective, offered is a Pass-in-Review of figures crossing over from bare lead to painted units in the first six months of 2016.  Units are presented in the order from which they mustered from the painting desk in 2016.

While two more days remain in the first half of 2016, no more new units will be mustered before the last day of June.  The semi-annual state of painting analytics recap will make its regular appearance after the quarter properly comes to a close.  From the painting analytics, I will see if progress towards 2016 goals is being addressed and kept on track.  For now, on to the figure parade showing results for the first two quarters of 2016. 
28mm Reconquista: Arab Camelry
15mm Samurai Battles Command Tent
15mm Samurai Battles Command Tent
18mm 1799: Austrian IR18 Two Battalions
18mm 1859: 2nd Zoauve Rgt three Battalions
18mm 1799: Austrian IR43 Two Battalions
28mm Great Italian Wars: Mounted archers
28mm Peninsular War: British Foot Artillery
28mm Peninsular War: British RHA
18mm 1799: Austrian Artillery
18mm 1799: Austrian Artillery
18mm 1799: Russian Artillery
18mm 1859: French 50th Line Three Battalions
18mm 1799: French 57th Line Two Battalions
18mm 1859: French Chasseur Battalion
18mm 1859: French Chasseur Battalion
28mm Great Italian Wars: Stradiots
28mm Great Italian Wars: Stradiots
28mm Reconquista: Crossbowmen
28mm Reconquista: Crossbowmen
28mm Peninsular Wars: Vistula Legion Lancers
18mm 1859: French 4th Chasseurs d'Afrique
18mm 1799: French 11th Hussar Rgt
18mm 1799: Austrian 14th Dragoon Rgt
18mm 1799: 1st Piedmont Rgt Two Battalions
25mm Great Game: Afghan Tribal Cavalry
18mm 1859: French Limbers and Guns
25mm Biblical: Egyptian Heavy Chariot
25mm Great Game: Sikh Irregular Cavalry
18mm 1799: Russian Cossacks
18mm 1859: Austrian IR31 Rgt One Battalion
18mm 1859: Austrian IR31 Rgt One Battalion
28mm Peninsular War: Baden IR3  Battalion 1
28mm Great Italian Wars: Landsknecht Arquebusier
28mm Great Italian Wars: Gendarmes
28mm Great Italian Wars: Landsknecht Arquebusier
18mm 1799: French 2nd Heavy Cavalry Rgt
18mm 1799: Austrian 8th Hussar Rgt
28mm Great Italian Wars: Italian Pike Block
25mm ACW: 140th Volunteer NY Rgt
28mm Great Italian Wars: Italian Arquebusier
28mm Great Italian Wars: Italian Arquebusier
18mm 1799: Austrian Kaiser Dragoon Rgt #1
28mm Great Italian Wars: Gendarmes
25mm Great Game: Russian 4th Ukraine Uhlans

Saturday, June 25, 2016

4th Ukraine Uhlan Rgt for Great Game

Moving from Wargames Foundry cavalry for the Renaissance, attention switches to Wargames Foundry cavalry for the Great Game project.  Off the painting desk today is a dozen Russian lancers for the Great Game project.
These dozen lancers muster out as the 4th Ukraine Uhlans with their light blue facings and blue over white pennons.  Notice that all of the lancers are fitted out as on patrol with lance slung onto their back and carbine at the ready.  Although the uhlans do not come with lancers, I thought adding a lance strapped to each trooper's back would add interest.  The addition of lance and pennon does add a bit of color and interest.
As always, these Foundry horsemen do not disappoint with fine sculpting and easy to paint surfaces.  Wearing greatcoats, Russian uhlans are even quicker to field for battle.
Anything else in the pipeline for this project?  Yes.  A third battalion of Russian infantry and a couple of Indian guns are awaiting their turn at the brush.  Before that, back to the 1799 project where more cavalry are on the painting desk.  One of my goals for 2016 was to field more cavalry for the 1799 project.  Thus far, a number of cavalry regiments have been produced.   This time, more Austrian dragoons and French hussars.  Also in work is a surprise entry for the 28mm Punic Wars project picked up in a recent order from Aventine.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Foundry Gendarmes for Great Italian Wars

A fourth stand of Gendarmes for the 28mm Great Italian Wars project trots off the painting desk.  Classified as CP or heavy horse in Impetvs parlance, this stand will add some additional punch to an invader's battle line.

These five knights are all from Wargames Foundry's Renaissance range of figures and are a mix from the RENMERC31-RENMERC32 codes.  Excellent sculpting and the fully-clad armor makes these knights quick to field.

As often is the case, four gendarmes are left in The Lead Pile needing one more to field a fifth quintet of these fine lads.  Perhaps a couple of the gendarmes noted above could be pressed into service as force commanders?  With four stands already mustered out, my army for this project is beginning to take the shape of a French force.  In the queue is a second command stand for the army.  

Below is the latest group parading off the painting desk.

What is next off the painting desk?  Sticking with cavalry, a dozen Foundry Russian lancers for the Great Game should be next group off the table.