
Monday, April 18, 2016

Sikh Irregular Cavalry for the Great Game

Work returns briefly to the Great Game project.  Kevin will be pleased to see some activity on this project.  The project is getting very close to a gameable collection.  I would like to add two more battalions of Russian regulars and, perhaps, a native gun before releasing them onto the gaming table.  Their odds of survival against Kevin's large, HEIC collection are likely low but if they can put up a decent fight, I would be pleased.
These dozen horsemen are a mix of Sikh irregular horse from Wargames Foundry's Sikh Wars range.  Great figures whose sculpting style and quality have withstood the test of time.  The variety of horsemen is large such that a more irregular look is possible.
This unit is a somewhat motley crew wearing a variety of body armor and headgear.  Some of these fellows look quite fearsome.  With these natives mustering out from the painting desk, all of the native cavalry in The Lead Pile are exhausted.  Two or three dozen Russian cavalry remain, allowing the cavalry arm of the project to see continued growth.  Without checking, there are enough Russian cavalry to field at least one more Cossack formation and one unit of lancers.  Perhaps, fielding two Cossack units in total is possible?  To verify that, I need to dig back into The Lead Pile.  Still, other units from other projects are waiting in the painting queue before attention turns towards fielding more for the Great Game.

How is this project shaping up?  After about nine months into the project, two guns and crew, 56 horse, and 194 foot have crossed the painting desk. Not bad progress for a part time project.  Totals are summarized in the table below:
Nine months ago, little did I realize that a transient project would result in nearly 260 figures painted and awaiting hardening on the battlefield.

What's the next likely candidate off the painting desk?  Well, probably a few squadrons of Russian Cossacks for the 1799 project will slide into the "Completed" side of the ledger next.  Two battalions of Austrian infantry seen in the last State of the Painting Desk are still lingering awaiting completion.    


  1. Nice projects (waiting for the Cossaks!) and beautiful Sikh Irregular Cavalry unit, great job!

  2. Lovely looking figures, nice variety and great paint job also with a little bit of fudge you could use them for a wide variety of periods.
    Best Iain

    1. With weapons and armor given, these troopers could see action for more than a century.

  3. Very impressive unit! Cheers Jonathan! :)

  4. Another Impressive unit. These guys look like they could be used for earlier periods as well.

    1. Thanks! Armed with swords these horsemen could see action over a much longer service than just the mid-19th Century Sikh Wars.

  5. lovely work Jon! your miniatures brush work commitments are going at a steady pace - amazing! :o)

    All the best,

    1. Thank you, Phil! Painting has fallen off a bit in April but maybe I can get back on track. Well, next week I be spend the workweek on your side of the State so it won't be back on track until May!

  6. A very handsome and ferocious looking unit, Jonathan. I love the Miles Davis dude in the middle. :)

    1. Miles Davis is a good one! I wonder if he knows "Take 5?"

  7. A wonderful looking unit Jonathan!


  8. Nice looking unit right enough. An interesting project and I look forward to see some more in this vain, especially some 'massed' cossacks. Should be good.

    1. Thank you, Hendrid, for popping-in and leaving a comment.

  9. An especially nice looking unit, Jon. This project has developed quite rapidly, and I agree with Jake re: the versatility of these guys!

    1. Thanks, Peter. Project growth can be quite surprising when you sit down and put pen to paper.

  10. Very nice, Jon. Will we see these in a Sword and the Flame game?

    1. Thanks! Yes, I imagine they will be used in Kevin's Fast Play TSatF. Perhaps they will be action under another set of rules too. Would enjoy getting Fields of Honor a try after so many years of dormancy.

  11. I rather like the look of those, Jonathan. Very nice.
