
Friday, April 15, 2016

BTD Egyptian Chariot

Half way through the month of April and this is the first item off from my painting desk.  A couple of other units are nearing completion but activity at the painting desk has been slow.  Travel, improved weather, and hosting two games in the first weeks have hampered time at the workbench.  These distractions are not bad, though.
Well, off the painting desk today is one Black Tree Design Egyptian heavy chariot.  This model was included in my January BTD sale order and only arrived a few weeks ago.  That was a long backorder!    
Having eyed BTD's range of Egyptians for quite some time, I finally decided to add one to the Shopping Cart as a test piece.  I was not disappointed when it arrived.  Great sculpting and the horses are marvelous.  The Egyptian chariot is much easier to put together than BTD's Trojan chariot since the chariot cab is a single piece.  Only the axle and tongue piece need to be affixed to the chariot bottom.
Is a new Egyptian project on the horizon?  No.  For Biblicals, a Trojan War project awaits in the wings that I hope to begin one day.  Trojan War metal continues arriving on a semi-regular frequency and the Trojan Lead Pile is slowly amassing. 


  1. The first item of April...but a masterpiece! I am in love with chariot units, and this one is simply wonderful...Great colors, great details, great bases...Gorgeous!!

  2. Great looking chariot and nice basing, the figures aren't bad either!
    Best Iain

  3. The pastels are definitely appropriate to the season. Nice looking figure.

  4. Are you planning on doing the Sea People's or Hittites as well?

    1. Well, my plan was to contain it to Trojan only but we know how that goes. Also note Scott's suggestion below that an Egyptian army would be a good build too.

  5. What the hey!... where did these figures (project) come from? :o) anyway, your chariot(s) look great!....


    1. Phil, this was just a one-off test. Cant I paint just one?

    2. No, it just starts with one...

    3. yeah... :o) starts with one and the arms race is on!...soon we will see 3 perhaps 4 :o) more chariots arriving on Jon's painting desk.... :oP

    4. Phil, that is how it all begins. This time will be different...

  6. Very nice, Jonathan. Going through my lead pile, I see I have some BTD Sherdan Guard.

    1. Thanks, Dean! Will we be seeing your Sherdan's soon?

  7. Beautiful chariot, Jon. I think you DO need an Egyptian army! They could always fight the Achaeans once your Trojan War project is done.

    1. Thank you, Scott! Your suggestion is being placed under advisement...

  8. Nice bit of Bronze Age work there, Jonathan - and I think a Trojan force is definitely in order. That way you can field a few of those heavy Hittite chariots with three crewmen and a pair of armoured horses!

    1. Very logical, Evan! A Hittite army would be fun to build but first things first.

  9. Nice work Jon. I love the Black Tree sculpts for painting and you've outdone yourself here!

    1. Thank you, Nathan! BTD produce many very fine ranges of figures. They are easy to paint as you say. And on sale, cheap!

  10. A very fine looking chariot Jonathan!


  11. Wonderful Jonathan, another era falls under your brush! I have a hunch that it won't be a one-off in the end.

    1. Thanks, Monty!

      With so much to paint in existing projects, I hope your hunch is off.

  12. I like how you did your Chariot, Jon. My own 4 BTD Egyptian chariots arrived about a week ago, and are now primed and assembled.

    1. Appreciate that, Peter! This chariot was inspired by your project. With your chariots looking good, I figured I should give one a try. It was enjoyable! I look forward to seeing your quartet of BTD chariots.

    2. In the meantime, a friend just shipped me a pile of old school Chariot era lead gratis, enough to make a pretty decent Canaanite, etc force, possibly to be allies to the Egyptians against the might of Assyria. Then I have another 3-4 Hinchliffe 4 Horse Assyrian Chariots to paint some day...So chariots will be on the blog for quite some time to come.

    3. You have a generous friend! I look forward to seeing these additions as well.

  13. Great work! looking forward to seeing more of your work

  14. Gorgeous miniature, Jonathan! Everything is splendidly painted and detailed :D Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

    1. Appreciate your continued support and kind comments!

  15. Terrific stuff Jonathan. The light blue really makes the model come to life, and some steady brushwork with the headdresses. I like it. Why this model if you are not doing a biblical project - just because? I was thinking about chariots the other day, actually. Someone was blogging about using biblical Assyrians to be Haradim allies of Mordor - I am always looking for alternate models for my LOTR project, since the GW figures are either OOP or ludicrously expensive.
    Cheers, M

    1. Thank you, Michael! Do you never paint a figure just the sake of experimentation or just because? Having been inspired by Peter's Egyptian collection, I thought I would like to give one a try. To reduce temptation, I have been considering shipping this piece off to Peter!

      Assyrians as allies in LoTRs? Well, I would like to see that!

  16. - Do you never paint a figure just the sake of experimentation or just because?
    I wish I was that spontaneous and free-spirited. :)
