
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Late Medieval/Renaissance Mounted Bowmen

With four units of 15/18mm figures passing across the painting desk, time to throw something different into the mix.  That something different is a three-figure stand of mounted bowmen.
When I ordered these fine Foundry fellows, my intent was to press them into service in the Great Italian Wars project.  After painting them, I looked through the Impetvs Great Italian Wars Army Lists in search of CL mounted bowmen.  Well, I did not find them fielded in any army.  Perhaps they will see service as mounted crossbowmen?

The lesson:  Research twice and buy (and paint) once!


  1. Nice work Jonathan. Sub them for crossbows in a French list. I'm pretty sure they should be an option in the French army.

    1. Read that as 'ought to be' an option. I have never played Impetus so have no idea what the lists look like!

    2. Nathan, that is good advice. Thank you.

  2. Great looking troops, and lovely basing too, Jonathan. I love the look of sallets - especially when they get blinged with cloth wreaths!

    1. Dean! Who isn't drawn to a "blinged" sallet? Not me, for sure!

  3. Nicely done they would look good in an Impetus army have you had a look at the Basic Impetus rules and army lists they are on the impetus Web site usually made up of 10 to 12 bases great game if you want to start small.

    1. Thank you, Stephen! I am a big fan of the Impetvs system and this project is based for that set of rules. Impetvs is a great set of rules and we have enjoyed many games with them. For Army Lists, I was looking in Impetvs Extra Vol. 1 in the Great Italian Wars lists. No light mounted archers.

  4. Fantastic looking miniatures Jonathan!

  5. Great figs. You could also combine them with a three more to get the start on a Lion Rampant retinue

    1. Thanks! I could use these for a LR force but I prefer multi-figure bases to skirmish gaming. These will see service in one of my armies.

  6. Ah they look great, yes it's more mounted crossbow men in the Italian wars but no one could possibly object to having such nice figures on the table and count them as crossbow men, maybe they have the stock in their bags? Self assembly mounted crossbow men?
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! You are a reasonable and practical fellow and I will follow your suggestion and it is a good one!

  7. Lovely figures and a great job painting them. While the Ottomans, Hungarians, etc at this time used a lot of horse archers, agree that the main powers didn't generally use them during the Great Italian Wars (nor mounted Longbowmen, which what these seem to be). However, they would fit as English mercenaries during the Condotierre Wars very nicely. Finally, I agree with the others above - just play them as mounted crossbowmen during the Italian Wars.

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! I will proudly field them as mounted crossbowmen.

      As for Condottiere, I just ordered a game entitled Condottiere based on a recommendation from another blogger. Mine is making its way to me now. Hove you heard of or even played this multi-player game? From the reviews over on BGG, sounds like a good one.

  8. Very impressive! Love that metallic effect you've got on these.

  9. Excellent, love the paint job and the basement!

  10. Either way, these are very nice indeed - I'm sure they'll find an army list willing to take them:0)

    1. Exactly right, Soren! They will find a master somewhere!

  11. Fine fellows indeed, and marvellously painted :D Cheers Jonathan :)
