
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Has This Happened to You?

I always keep one eye monitoring eBay for books and wargames of interest.  Often old games and books can be purchased at great bargains.  Other times, their collectibility drives the price up as bidding interest rises.  Some times bargains are bargains;  other times, not.

I recently held the winning bid for an old GDW Europa Marita Merkur game.  The contents were advertised as unpunched, unused with the game box listed in VG condition.  When the package arrived, this is what I pulled out of the packaging.

The game's contents were exactly as described.  That is, the counters were unpunched and the game was clearly unused with maps still crisply folded.

Of course, the seller stated the box was in VG condition when it left and I suppose I should give the benefit of the doubt.  But, the game was shipped in a padded envelope.  Who ships boxed wargames in a padded envelope?  Oh, shipping charge paid was 40% over actual shipping too.

I could file a claim and return the game but given the price paid I lean towards keeping the game as is.

How would the reader respond and what feedback would you leave for the seller?

Update 22NOV2015:  After reviewing the photos of the damaged game, seller refunded 100% of shipping charge as compensation.  Seller responded quickly to resolve.  Seller will change packaging from envelope to box in future sales.   Although game box is in tatters, the components are still minty fresh and a good bargain.  I left positive feedback for seller.


  1. I would certainly mention the poor packaging (and 40% handling fee) in the feedback.

    Inappropriate packaging and overcharging for postage is a bit of a bugbear of mine.

    1. Sound advice. Before making this post, I did contact the seller and sent photos of the box. We will see what comes of it.

  2. Completely agree with Edwin. This is no way to do business.

  3. I would contact the seller first and see what response you get. Clearly the item arrived not as described and you'd be entitled to a partial refund at least. If you don't get any response then I think the negative feedback is justified.

    1. Thanks for for advice. I await a response from the seller.

  4. Sounds like the damage happened in transit, but at the price you (Over) paid for shipping and the condition in which the package arrived, it seems to me like the seller should at least offer you a partial refund of the shipping costs.

    I must admit that EBay is one place I don't usually haunt!

    1. Being packaged in a lightly padded envelope, transit damage certainly is a possibility. Curiously, the package exterior did not show much damage. I suppose being flattened in transit is very likely but some of the damage reminds me of shelf wear over a long period with this game being situated at the bottom of the pile.

      Peter, you should look at eBay from time to time. Useful stuff appears on a regular basis. One of my problems is that I often order the same book more than once!

  5. Let him know the state of your package and if he doesn't offer to at least reimburse you the P&P charges then give him negative feedback.


  6. My 1st ed. Space Marine box was sent using the box itself as the packaging. Yep, taped shut and the address label glued on the box lid. There have been other times when I've received items in a condition which was not as described, but the sellers never reply when I complain. Not much you can do about it either.

    1. That is unbelievably sloppy packaging, for sure! I can imagine the look on your face when the game was delivered.

      Great anecdote!

  7. Very very disappointing. You have a right to be miffed.
    Love the old Europa series, by the way.

    1. Disappointed is right. At least the components are in mint condition. I have been drawn to the Europa series since the late seventies but have not played a game in decades. Would like to give one a try again.

  8. Being a long time seller (and buyer) on eBay, I never like these type of posts. 95% of time the person posting hasn't even contacted the other person which is step one. And although they're more than willing to tell their side of events, most of the time a simple link to the auction isn't even included to let reader judge for themselves, or at least put themselves in your shoes while looking at the listing.

    I believe I have tracked down the listing in question, and I would be given the impression that the box is in very good repair with only minor shelf wear. No minor or major damage can be seen to the box or game. Everything looks almost like new and I would assume the "VG" was only because of the age.

    The seller is required to list any product imperfections in the item description, which again would lead me to believe everything was "like new" within reason for such an old game.

    The seller also has the responsibility to get the item in question to the seller in the very same condition as in the listing. If the item is lost or damaged by the USPS, it's still the seller's responsibility. Proper packaging is part of that, but was there any clear additional damage done during shipment? (For that same shipping cost he could of used a flat rate Priority Mail box instead, saving both of you time and money.)

    Bottom line here is expectations. Although it seems like you got a good deal price-wise, if everything didn't meet your expectations, contact the seller and work something out. Like a full or partial shipping refund for example. If the seller doesn't agree, don't get personal or argue, just simply raise the issue and file a report with PayPal/eBay. In the end you can let them judge and they usually side with the buyer.

    Sorry to hear of your troubles and I hope that helps a bit, but like you said, if you got a pretty good deal in the first place you might just leave well enough alone. It's still very frustrating though, as I've been in your shoes a few times.

    1. Thanks for your response, Jason. You are a good sleuth. To remove doubt, here is the link to the auction.

      As noted above I did contact the seller upon receipt including sending photos of the box. I await a reply.

      As for damage during shipping, that is curious as I noted in my reply to Gonsalvo above. The exterior of the package looked fine before I opened it. Perhaps a little wear but nothing to suggest that the contents would be mangled like this. Given that the components are still in mint condition with not even a bend is curious.

      Appreciate your insights.

  9. Disappointing for sure. I hope you get some sort of result that your happy with. Judging by the listing the box doesn't appear to have that damage on it at all but also I noticed the top left corner on yours has like rubbing damage were as the listing photo does not.

    1. Thanks for your input, Simon. Quite right about the scuffing on my box vs no scuffing on the listing. How could that box scuffing happen inside the package?

  10. What a shame. I'd defo get hold of the seller and sort some kind of compensation out. especially paying well over the odds for the postage.

    1. It is a shame but almost all of my eBay purchases have been without incident. This is an exception, for sure.

  11. Glad to hear it ended 'mostly' well.
