
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Another Project Awakens

One situation having the ability to bring a languishing project back to life is a game on the table.  That is exactly what transpired following the recent Chain of Command game. 

I have a small 28mm WWII force individually based for skirmish-level games but the guys I game with never really found a set of rules at the level we liked.  I think that changed with the introduction to CoC.  In the past we tried Nuts! and perhaps a few others but Nuts! was not to our collective liking. 
My existing WWII project consisted of about 50 figures equally split between Germans and British and begun at the time we were considering WWII small unit tactical games.  These fellows last saw the paint brush in 2012 and have never seen action in a game.  Given the OB of CoC, my existing troops were not sufficient to form two playable forces.  To remedy that deficiency and provide myself two forces for solo play, 18 figures hit the painting desk.  To bring each side up to three sections or squads, a dozen Brits and half-dozen Germans needed a coat of paint.  Figures are Black Tree Design.

Below is the photo of the two platoons arrayed for review.  The Germans could use a panzershreck team and it appears I fielded one surplus rifleman for each of the LMG teams.


  1. Yes indeed - running or playing a game is so often a driver of the painting process. Hopefully they will break onto the tabkle soon!

    1. The plan is to have another CoC game over the Thanksgiving holiday. Will my boys see action, I hope so!

  2. Yeah, I know how you feel. Tried looking for a WWII skirmish set of rules awhile back, tried Nuts! as well, but nothing seemed to hit home. Now I'm lucky to have both CoC and Bolt Action as they both give fun ( but different) games.

    Good luck and have fun!

    1. You are lucky to have found not one but two sets of rules that you enjoy. With any luck, CoC will be that set of rules for us. The first game was promising since CoC survived the "dismiss out of hand" declaration.

  3. Nice additions and fills the force out nicely :) Lets hope they see the table top sooner rather than later.

    1. Thanks, Simon! Maybe Thanksgiving weekend will see them on the table again?

  4. Excellent looking British and Germans!


  5. Great work, I too tried 28mm WWII skirmish and never found any rules to my liking, all the rules I tried were easily broken or abused. Lets hope CoC measures up to expectations.

    1. Thank you! The first game was promising and we are eager to give it another try. CoC might be a good set for you to try as well.

  6. Nice work. I am still waiting for my Screaming Eagles to arrive.

    1. Thanks, Jake! I am awaiting a small WWII order from BTD as well.

  7. This is certainly a rule system I need to get into this next year Jonathon. Very keen to see how your games progress.

    1. I plan to give CoC a second run-out later this week. CoC is worthy of consideration for your own WWII skirmish gaming, Carlo.

  8. They look great Jonathan! I'm very familiar with the phrase "Another project Awakens".:-)


    1. Appreciate the support, Christoper! With so many projects, dormancy and awakening are unavoidable occurrences.

  9. These guys look great, hope they'll behave well! Nice job...
