
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Foundry Russian Hussars

Earlier painting efforts at fielding Russian squadrons of the 12th Dragoons mustered eight figures.  With instructions to field cavalry in twelve figure units, four more hussars were needed.
The last of October's painting work to pass off the desk were four more Russian hussars.  As the other eight before these, figures are Wargames Foundry.  Excellent sculpts and I am really enjoying painting the Russians from this line of figures.  Below is the regiment mustering out at full strength.

Next up for this project (but still farther down in the painting queue) will be a unit of twelve Russian Cossacks.  Sculpting on the Cossacks is equally nice but the tails on the Russian ponies have a annoying tendency to snap off at the rump.  We will see if they survive the rigors of gaming.   


  1. And thus I find myself trying to stare at the (cleverly concealed) rumps of little lead horses, LOL!

    Congratulations on bringing the regiment up to full muster strength!

    1. Don't stare too long, Peter.

      The troublesome tails are on the cossack horses and not these robust hussar mounts. You will see the tail problem once I paint a unit of the Foundry cossacks.

  2. Foundry at its very finest - beautiful unit Jon!

    1. Thank you, Soren! You are quite correct. The Foundry Crimean War range is an excellent one!

  3. Very nice. I have always been a fan of the Foundry models.

  4. You are powering through the painting lately Jon. The Foundry Crimean range is indeed a good 'un.

    1. October painting was down due to nearly two weeks of travel but maybe I can keep some momentum up through year-end?

      Yep. Crimean War range is good, for sure.

  5. Lovely work Jonathan. Like all the others, I am a Foundry fan - lovely to see these figures. I admire the simple but varied colouring of the horses. You've obviously thought about it and resisted the temptation to paint them all the same.
    I am sure they will cause mischief in the Great Game, but am confident that a squadron of Bengal Lancers, guided to the scene by Kim, will see them off.

    1. Thank you, Michael! Bengal lancers; I need some of those too!
