
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Austrian Line for the 1859 Project

Progress on the 1859 project continues with work on a battalion of Austrian infantry.  While difficult to identify the battalion by their regimental collar tabs in 15mm, this group of 18 figures musters out as IR 2/37.  Figures are Old Glory.
Following closely on the footsteps of IR 2/37 will be the IR 3/37.

A number of other units destined for the 1859 project are also in the painting pipeline.  These 1859 units include, one, three battalion regiment of French line infantry; 12 figure regiment of Austrian Uhlans; and one 12-figure battalion of Sardinian Bersaglieri.  All three units are Lancashire Games' figures.

Departing momentarily from the 1859 project after the French infantry, however, will likely be 12 French heavy cavalry for the 1799 project.  The French cavalry are part of the recent influx of 1859 Lancashire lead.  Very crisp detailing on these early French cavalry and I am anxious to see how they look once fitted out with a coat of paint.


  1. I do love your 1859 project, and look forward to the other additions... plus the early Napoleonic/Revolutionary Wars figures too, of course!

    1. Glad you find the period and project of interest.
      It is a fascinating period and a conflict that is short and sharp.

  2. They look great, and exemplify the nice level of detail that can be achieved in 15mm I think. How does the regimental denomination work. If they are IR 2/37, what does the 37 stand for - total number of Austrian registered regiments or?

    1. Thank you, Soren!
      IR 2/37 denotes the 2nd battalion of Infantry Regiment #37.

  3. Another excellent addition Jon.

  4. Always great to see painted figures.

