
Friday, April 17, 2015

Austrian IR 3/37 for 1859 Project

IR 37 Battalion 3
The third battalion of IR 37 marches off from the painting desk.  One more battalion needed to bring IR 37 up to its full complement of four battalions.
IR 37 Battalion 3 
The culmination of this week's work at
the painting desk on two battalions of IR 37.
Looking back at my project notes, the last time I assessed project progress was a little over two years ago.  While the Risorgimento has not seen focused efforts during that intervening period, progress has been steady.  Exactly how much progress has been accomplished?  I will sharpen my pencil and see.   


  1. Another fine looking battalion, Jon. 4 battalions/64 figures for the entire Regiment - eine schneesturm der Oesterichers!

    1. That is a great description of the Austrian army, isn't it? A snowstorm of Austrians...a veritable whiteout!

      The Austrians did have a propensity for fielding large battalions.

  2. Great looking Austrians, Jonathan. Love the uniform.

  3. Great color scheme when massed like this! Why did you decide to go with the 37th?

    1. Hi Soren, the 37th got picked simply as I work through the OB.

  4. Excellent additions to your Austrians.

  5. Another good looking Austrian unit Jonathan!


  6. Beautiful work. I'm interested to paint some 1859 myself. I have some QRF. I would like to get some Old glory but it so difficult to decide because they do not publish any pictures. In your opinion, which Old Glory sculpt are good and which one are not worth? thank you! Lorenzo

    1. Thank you, for the kind words and visit, Lorenzo!

      For Old Glory, I prefer their infantry over their cavalry but some cavalry are good. The Sardinian, Austrian, and French infantry all all very good. Some of the Austrian infantry have fragile bayonets and some infantry have improperly seated heads. Sounds odd but it is true!

      Overall I like the Old Glory figures. I have used Mirliton, Freikorps 15, and Lancashire Games. Mirliton cavalry are the best in my opinion and all have very good infantry although some of the Freikorps 15s are smaller than the others.

      If you would like photos of a particular Old Glory figure, let me.

      Good luck with your project!

  7. A stalwart looking bunch of kaiserlichs! It's interesting to look at their headgear, and see the evolution, from the Napoleonic shako to the American Civil War kepi - these guys are wearing something close to the ACW end of that evolution.

    1. Yes, uniformology is an interesting facet of our hobby. At this time, the Austrians still clung to a shako but its dimensions had changed from the Napoleonic period. Certainly the Austrians had not progressed to a kepi style headgear yet.
