
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Project Jumpstart

After watching Jake's Renaissance project grow (see Jake's progress) and participating in the first Great Italian Wars Impetvs game (see BatRep), I figured I ought to build a force as well.  Can't help myself...

Having ordered many handfuls of Wargames Foundry figures and rounded up a few painting guides, I was prepared to begin working on a few figures at a time dispersed among my other projects.

Near the end of January, the opportunity arose to give this fledgling project a HUGE shot in the arm.  That opportunity?  To buy a friend's collection.  The collection consisted of Old Glory figures and the Old Glory sculpts are really nice.  The painting?  Exquisite!

Enough pikemen were included to field three pike blocks of 39 figures each along with swordsmen, and two guns.  These figures provide force large enough for a core army to which I plan on adding handgunners and horse.

Although the figures arrived based, I removed the figures from their bases and replanted the figures on Impetvs-sized bases.  I cannot imagine how long it might have taken me to field this many intricately painted pikemen.  

Enjoy the artistry from Phil's brush in a sampling of the collection photos below as they ready themselves for battle.

Now, I have a few pike columns to contribute to the next battle.

Phil, thank you so very much for the wonderful figures!


  1. They look great Jonathan and what a fortunate purchase you made! I hope to one day start the Italian Wars, but it will just have to wait until I can fit it in.


    1. Christopher, my timeline for Italian Wars project saw a huge compression by picking up these already painted figures. Now, I must find time to fit in work on other elements to this project.

  2. Awesome! you did a fantastic job re-basing the figures and the flocking looks great as well! Your pike Blocks look impressive! who knows one day may drop in and a have game or two using basic Impetvs rules. Great kick start to your Great Italian Wars Project Jon, well done....


    1. You, my friend, accomplished the real work on these figures!
      I am very relieved that the re-basing is agreeable. Whew!

      Any time you want to join in a game, drop me an email and I will make arrangements!

      Again, outstanding brushwork on these figures, Phil!

    2. You are most welcome Sir! :o)

      umm...not to sure about placing the standard bearers (figures) on the flanks of the bases...why not in the center of the unit base?


    3. No good reason except I placed the bearers on the base last. Perhaps I should change the flag position?

    4. no not at all, just a little surprise to see the bearers on the flanks, usually the bearers are placed center of the base(s) to lead the unit forward....

  3. A VERY impressive collection you came across there. With all the colors and individual clothing, painting Landsknechts really takes time, and that fact doesn't make your newly acquired less impressive.

    1. Yeah, I got very lucky on this one! Even my wife who is usually a disinterested bystander marveled at the workmanship on these figures as we carefully unwrapped each foursome.

      My next hurdle will be trying to field additions to this collection that can stand toe-to-toe with these gems.

  4. I'd say that was far more than a jump start - more a firm foundation for your foray into the period. The OG Itlian Wars figures are perhaps their best ever, especially the infantry and artillery.

    1. I think you are correct, Peter! Three, large pike blocks is a great foundation. The OG figures are really first rate. I have many more to paint.

  5. Those OG's are gems - lovely variation of colors for the clothing. Everything that makes Landsknechts so cool!

    1. "Gems" is exactly right! Phil did a terrific job on these and I will always treasure these fine fellows.

  6. Lovely looking units. I agree with the comment on Old Glory - they are some of their best sculpts and paint up wonderfully. Although I have also pushed into the Foundry ones.

    Impetus basing looks great and I think the games plays really well.

    1. Indeed they are lovely. I have a mix of Foundry and OG awaiting the brush to round out this jump-started project.

      Agree with respect to Impetvs. Great basing and the game play is superb!

  7. They are most lovely, you are a lucky man to have friends who will part with such nicely painted troops! Cool basing to!

    1. Lucky indeed. When opportunity knocks, answer the door!

  8. Renaisance is my favorite period for the visual and aesthetic appearance, and these units are just splendid...very impressive pikes!

    1. It is a very colorful period and one I have overlooked for far too long.

  9. Fantastic looking figures what a good find the bases are just right would love to get into the Italian wars one day such colour.

    1. Thanks, Stephen! All credit for the figures goes to Phil.
      It is a colorful period, for sure!

  10. Excellent looking units and mad props to Phil. I envy these paint schemes, The dusty look of the dry brush makes them look like something from a period painting. Very nice.

    1. The figures look even better in person. You are going to like these!

  11. These are superb, Jonathan! Now I understand your counter to my comment that theres nothing as lovely as a table full of Napoleonics. Indeed, this is it! And great work, Phil!

    1. Superb, indeed! Really quite striking workmanship.
      The problem now becomes, how do I add units to this project that won't look out of place? Phil set a very high bar for me.
