
Sunday, April 5, 2015

15mm French Line for the 1859 Project

Moving beyond the recent spate of 28mm Napoleonics, the 1859 Risorgimento project receives some attention.  In a switch from fielding Austrian and Sardinian combatants, today's post witnesses the fielding of French infantry in their snappy pantaloon rouge
In addition to the switch to French, these are the first Lancashire French to cross the painting desk.  These 36 figures muster out as 3 x 12 figure battalions of the 45th Line Regiment.
Lancashire Games' French figures match well with JTFM Enterprises' When Navy Walked and Old Glory's French infantry.
To field at least a Corps' worth of French, much painting lays ahead.

Sticking to the 1859 project, next off the painting desk will likely be two Austrian line battalions.  After that, maybe a cavalry reinforcement for the project. 


  1. very impressive and striking looking unit!.... very nice!


    1. Thanks, Phil!

      You will be very interested in seeing what is coming up. I am basing/flocking some of your boys and they will be game-ready soon.

  2. Lovely 2nd Empire troops, Jonathan. Again, those red trousers really make a statement.

    1. Thanks, Dean! French uniforms of the period are one of my favorites.

  3. Great to see you're back at the Risorgimento project! Very chic looking lignards, and I'm duly seconding your choice of 12-figure units as ideal for battalion sized games. I read somewhere that the red pants army standard came up as part of a mineral surplus from some French colony in the early 19th Cent. Not sure it checks out, but it is amazing that they looked like this way into WW1. Looking forward to the Austrian reinforcements!

    1. It is good return to the Risorgimento project! The project kept calling during my FEB/MAR Napoleonics painting efforts but I resisted. Now, the 1859 project will be see some work.

      Interesting anecdote regarding the red trousers. I should look into that.

      Although the Raab battle set up on the game table will be a leisurely affair (that is, who knows when I might get cracking on it), I have been considering a Risorgimento game to follow. After the French/Italians and Austrians have fought over this ground, I may leave the layout as is and refight it with the 1859 armies.

  4. The most colourful period of military history. From the most colourful of armies...what is there not to love??

  5. Glad to see this period played, well done with them Jonathan, they look great!

  6. Ces't un regiment très jolie and un travail formidable! Je les aime beaucoup.
    (Sorry, I just learned my next posting is into a bilingual position and I'm practicing.). A lovely looking unit, JF - they make me want to do some ACW Zouaves now.

    1. Thanks, Michael and congratulations on the new posting!

  7. Hi John. Nice job with these French. I also painted up the 45th Line. I noticed they all have red epaulets. that would make the entire unit grenadiers in 1859, correct? I've been painting mine with green/red epaulets for fusilier companies and yellow for light companies.

    1. Thanks, Don. You are quite right on the epaulettes. This is a very old photo when I had intended to use these in the 1870 campaign. I have long since repainted the should boards.
