
Saturday, January 10, 2015

SAW U.S. Colored Infantry - Old Glory

With a year-end painting push, holidays, two games in the rear-view mirror and a return to work, I found myself with little time or motivation to get down to the game room for quality, evening painting sessions this week.

What I did get accomplished on the painting front was a 15 figure unit of Spanish-American War U.S. Colored infantry.  Figures are 25mm Old Glory and utilize the same, advancing body poses as the other U.S. infantry but the faces have been redone.  The detailing on the faces is disappointing compared to the fine quality of the other U.S. figures in this range.  On the gaming table, the figures will look great.

Also on the painting desk are two squadrons of Eureka 18mm SYW Prussian dragoons.  These troopers with become two, 6 figure squadrons from Dragoon Regiment #1.  Two squadrons from the 1st mustered out long ago so the addition of these will bring the regiment up to four squadrons.  It has been a long time since Prussian cavalry has seen action at the painting desk so very good to get to work on Prussian cavalry.
My Secret Santa should recognize these figures as they were part of my package from my generous benefactor.

Secret Santa, I respect your anonymity but I would appreciate the knowledge of your identity for proper recognition.


  1. Very nice unit, Jonathan. I quite like their faces. Might be your superb brushwork bringing out the best of the sculpts.

    1. Dean, you are too kind!

      I started a second unit of these fellas this evening.

  2. Very nice work, and great basing...

  3. Wonderful painting on that infantry unit, and I think you've done a splendid job of mixing poses to create the best possible animation on the bases. More SYW, hurrah! Love these minis. Looking forward to the result!

    1. Thank you, Soren!

      As for the 18mm SYW project, the collection of Austrian and Prussian figures is already quite large but I could always use more. right?

      I do have several handfuls of the wonderful Minden Prussian that have yet to see the brush. Perhaps, I should give those a turn at the painting desk in 2015?

    2. Couldn't agree more - there always seem to be plenty of reasons to expand one's lead pile! Who know what the plummeting oil prices of late or a cracking Russian Stock Exchange can lead to, you better stock up:0) I'd love to see some Minden Prussians from your workshop. I've got the second guards battalion marching across my painting table as soon as the GMB flags arrive! Let's make Der Alte Fritz proud by adding some boys in dark blue to our collections.

    3. Soren, I accept your challenge! Now, which regiment to choose?

  4. A good looking and relatively unique unit, Jon!

    1. Thank you, Peter!

      One of group of these lads is on the painting desk.

  5. Well done Jonathan on some not so often seen regiments.


  6. These look really great, love the clean crisp paintjob!

  7. Great unit. You are guilt-ing me into finally painting mine....
