
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chadd's Ford: Firefight at Brinton's Ford - BatRep

Battle continuation: Turn 6
On the British right with most of Maxwell's advance guard scattered, the path to Chadd's Ford is virtually wide open. The only American resistance on the west bank of the Brandywine are two battered light infantry battalions.  On the British left, action is heating up between the British column under Grant and the American right under Sullivan.

After battering the advance elements of Grant's column at Brinton's Ford on Turn 5,  Washington seizes the initiative and instructs Sullivan to continue thwarting Grant's planned attacks on the crossing.

Sullivan activates Smallwood whose 1st Maryland continues pouring fire into the 10th Foot before the 10th has a chance to regroup and recover from its earlier pounding.  In punishing volleys, the 10th suffers heavy casualties and falls back from the creek, exhausted.  Adding to the carnage, Smallwood's guns inflict additional casualties on the retiring 10th.
1st MD fires into 10th Foot
Casualties mount in the 10th
and then the 10th withdraws, exhausted
In an attempt to remove pressure from the 10th, Grant activates his command.  The 27th Foot advances pell-mell through the battered 5th foot taking its place at the hot end of the action.  Passing through the ragged 5th disorders the 27th as it takes up position along the banks of the Brandywine.  Disordered and out of breath from its rapid advance to the front, the 27th delivers a ragged volley into the German Battalion.
27th volleys across the Brandywine
Combined with artillery fire from Grant's guns, the already shaken and disordered Germans become exhausted but hold their ground.

With the 5th protected by the 27th, Grant rides over to rally the wavering Brits.  Expending one CP, the 5th rallies back to good order.  Wanting the 5th to recover stragglers and the lightly wounded, Grant attempts a second rally.  The troops refuse to return to the ranks.
Grant attempts to rally the 5th
Having weakened the British front at Brinton's Ford with Smallwood's brigade, Sullivan orders De Borre's command to maintain the pressure.  The 4th Maryland advances back to the creek bank, reloads and fires into the 27th.  Two hits!  Reloading, a second volley crashes into the 27th.  A punishing volley smashes into the leading British foot. 
Devastating volley fire from Marylanders
With so much destruction in so short a time, the 27th reels back under the hail of lead.  Shaken, the 27th withdraws back through the 5th and then passes through both the 40th and 55th.  All are disordered as the 27th penetrates their ranks in its race to the rear.
27th retreats back through the British ranks
Back on the American side of the ford, the 2/7 Maryland advances at the double up though the 4th MD.  Once along the creek bank, the 2/7 Maryland brings its muskets to bear against the exhausted 5th Foot.  Two volleys, with artillery in support, scatter the remnants of the regiment.
Destruction of the 5th
De Borre joins the German Battalion to rally it.  After two attempts, the Germans fail to rally.

On the British right, Knyphausen presses on with his advance guard.  Queen's Rangers wheel and fire into the remaining light infantry from Greene's command, scattering them.  Vaughn pushes his command cautiously towards the creek.
British lights scatter the American lights
British position at Chadd's Ford
As seen, a lot of action can be packed into one turn of Land of the Free.  With multiple activations, holes can be opened up in the opposition's line.  Of course, these holes can be filled and counterattacks developed when the enemy activates.

No victor declared just yet... 


  1. Nice write up, Jonathan. There are a lot of AWI enthusiasts (w/loads of figures too) here locally, but most of the folks use older rule sets. I'd be interested if they would try out Land of the Free.

    1. Thanks, Dean. You could point them to my review and BatReps and let them get a sampling of the game.

  2. Interesting game Jon. I have to admit it's nice to see Americans doing something in an AWI game other than running away.

    1. Thanks, Aaron! Perhaps, the Americans are less likely to duck and run when a mostly unfordable stream separates them from the enemy? That barrier would give me more courage.

  3. The action at the Ford continues to be quite interesting!

  4. hoorah..hoorah .... 4th Maryland! :o)
    lovely battle report Jon!

    1. Thanks, Phil!

      The British 27th are not too amused...

  5. Seems to be a great, and bloody, fight! Nice job...

  6. Great game Jonathan, looks like it 's gonna go the way of the Americans???

    1. Thanks, Ray! Still may be too early to declare victory yet but the Americans seem to hold the upper hand.

  7. A very exciting read! I curious to see how this turns out.


    1. I am glad you are enjoying it. One more phase to go.
