
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Reconquista - Moorish Archers

Following up on the three Reconquista units completed in November, one more Impetvs stand makes its way off from the painting desk.  This time, one stand of Muslim archers.  Figures are BTD.
Some of the El Cid Army Lists require the combining of one archer stand with one stand of spear to form  one large unit.  Currently, spear stands outnumber missile (or archer) stands.  To address that imbalance, and provided I field no more spear units (ha!), at least one more bow stand is needed.

After a couple of quick  games of Commands & Colors: Napoleonics with Scott and Kevin last night, dinner conversation turned towards holiday game planning.  With Kevin and Scott yet to try Impetvs, they suggested an Impetvs game before Christmas.  Period chosen?  Punic Wars.  OK!

The first and only Punic Wars Impetvs game occurred NOV2013.  Since that game, about a half-dozen units have been added to the project.  With a second game on the horizon in two weeks, perhaps, I can knock out one or two more units to add into the fray?

In addition to other assorted projects on the painting desk, one stand of Celtic warriors is undergoing the brush.  This unit of Celts is the first Celtic representation for the project. The figures are not surprisingly from BTD and should be finished in a couple painting sessions.  

As for the C&C: Napoleonics games, Plancenoit was played twice to conclusion.  Both games resulted in a Prussian victory with the second game a much closer contest than the first.      


  1. Splendid shields + great mix of blue and white colors + great basing = I love these archers...

    1. The contrast between the blue and white is pleasing to my eye too. Glad you liked them!

  2. very,very nice.. I like the strong white contrast painting on the figures really make them pop off their base...very visual appealing work Jonathan!

    1. Thank you, Phil for the very kind comments!
      I used a flash in this photo so the white is even more vibrant.

  3. Really nice work Jonathan And I for anticipate reading your Punic War Impetus game with relish!


    1. Hi Christopher!

      Before I get to the Impetvs game in a couple of weeks, I still have a 15mm AWI game to work on.

  4. Some very impressive brush work and nicely balanced overall color scheme. Good choice on the Punic War for that Impetvs game - what scale will you go for and, the ever so "punic" question; will you be fielding elephants?

    1. Soren, thank you for the kind comments!

      The game will be 28mm and while I have no elephants in my collection (yet) perhaps, Scott can bring a couple of his beauties and we will put them on an Impetvs sized sabot base? His figures are based for other rules.

    2. Sounds like its going to be an impressive game, 28mm for this period will be spectacular. Hope he does bring the elephants :0) Looking forward to the AAR!

  5. Great looking combined arms unit, Jonathan. As well as the shields, I do like the clothing patterns. Very nice!

    1. Thank you, Dean!

      As for combined arms, I figured a band of archers ought to have a little defensive protection. Thus, they get a couple of spearmen as guards. In game terms, it will still be a bow-armed base.

  6. Lovely work there Jonathan!

    Anyone done a 'Moops' joke yet...?
    ; )

    1. Thank you, Evan!

      If anyone made a "Moops" joke, it went over my head. What is a "Moops?"

  7. More (Moor?) fine additions, and in keeping with the recent tour of Toledo as well!

    I take it you enjoyed the CC Napoleonics games.

    Imeptus for the Punic wars sounds like a good next game, too.

    1. More Moors, for sure! Working on the Reconquista figures triggered thoughts of Toledo. Maybe thoughts of Toledo will trigger even more More painting?

      Yes, C&C Nap. was fun but getting together with the guys is always the best part. In my game, my Prussians beat Kevin "The Francophile"'s French.

  8. Lovely uniforms Jonathan and the flesh tone works well.

  9. I really like the way you used blue to unify this unit. Take plenty of pics of your big Impetus battle. That will be lovely to look at!

    1. Thanks, Monty!

      Will take photos of the game and provide a recap.

  10. I was going to do the "Moor" pun (OMG! Moor figures!) but Gonsalvo beat me to it. They are lovely figures, I like the bits of variety, including the patterning on some of the robes, and the minimalist basing. They look very deadly.
    Speaking of C&C Naps, we really need to get the Vassal module figured out. Is Plancenoit from the Prussian expansion or is that out yet?

    1. Thank you, Michael! I like the blue and white combination too.

      As for CC:N, we used the recently released Prussian expansion. Both Kevin and Scott received their games last week and both were itching to give it a try.

      We should just dive in and give VASSAL a go.
