
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

10mm ACW CSA Infantry

Here is a project that has seen no activity on the painting desk since mid-2013!  Yikes!  Has it really been that long since the last unit for the 10mm ACW project crossed the painting desk?  Indeed, it has.

On the gaming front, this project seems to have been orphaned as well.  At one time, we seemed to game with these little fellas frequently.  Battles fought included Stones River, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Manassas, Cedar Mountain, and more recently, Port Republic.

In an effort to rekindle interest, off the painting desk are 60 Old Glory CSA infantry.  Each stand holds two, five man strips.  Since I use two rules with these figures, the basing must accommodate both.

For Republic, two stands comprise roughly one brigade.  These 60 figures combine to produce three, 20 figure infantry brigades. 
Republic basing
For the other rules, Regimental Fire & Fury (RFF), these same 60 figures produces one, 12 stand regiment.  With two ranks mounted on one stand, each of my, double-ranked stands becomes two RFF stands.
RFF basing
For RFF, each stand can sustain two hits before being removed.  In addition, I use the number of flags remaining to denote troop effectiveness (fresh, worn, spent).  A Fresh regiment begins with three flags.  That way, troop effectiveness can be determined at a glance. 
I should consider getting this collection back onto the gaming table in 2015.


  1. These figures really look great!... marvelous..

  2. Good looking, fine "mass effect".

    I do prefer the look of 10's to anything smaller than that; While I have no intention of painting anything smaller than 25mm again myself, I could imagine playing with 10's someone else painted! :-)

    1. 10s do look fine en masse and easier to paint than one might think.

      If you ever make it out West, let me know and we could set up a game.

  3. Seems the approach of New Year can really catalyse some project-reflection for the year to come. These 10mm ACWs are well worth some attention in 2015. My only problem with ACW, is that I never seem to really finish, there is always something more I want to add to that collection. Anyways, shall be interesting to see your project list for 2015!

    1. Very true, Soren, Reflection begins before the old year ends. I will be interested in seeing what my 2015 project plans might be too!

  4. Very nice work Jonathan! ACW looks good on almost all scales as it's easy to identify the sides. If I were to do my small scale ACW again I would do it in 10mm and not 15mm as the sculpts are better that I've seen so far.


    1. Christopher!

      To me, 10mm is a perfect size for large scale ACW gaming and my preferred size. Of course, the other sizes are great too.

      Among the fellows I game with, ACW sees action in 10, 12, 15, and 25mm!

  5. Great looking CSA figures; your brushwork is always impressive. I've only painted 15mm and found those hard enough to paint!

    1. I appreciate your kind comments, Dean!

      For painting the smaller figures, emphasis is on the mass effect as a trade off against minute detailing.

      I am sure if you tackled 10s, they would be outstanding.

  6. Great job, the mass effect is really fantastic!
