
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Celtic/Gallic Warband II

As the 2014 campaign comes to a close, one last reinforcement crosses over from The Lead Pile.  With a planned Impetvs game on Saturday, this warband will see action on the table almost immediately.

With a mix of figures, this motley mob presents a stand full of character.  Character is a strong suit in the BTD figures and like other BTD figures, are a pleasure to paint.  Following close on the heels of the first completed warband (see earlier warband), these warriors will see action in most Punic War games.  I could use several more of these in the project!
On the painting desk are two units nearing completion but will not be finished before I snap the painting log closed for 2014.  In work is an addition to the SAW project consisting of 15 U.S. Regular infantry along with eight Libyan javelin men for the Punic Wars project.  Most likely, the Libyans will be finished in time to see action in the Punic War game slated for JAN 03.

Before the game, I need to re-read the rules and decide whether to give the Basic or Full version a go.  Since this will be both Scott and Kevin's first run at Impetvs, perhaps the Basic version is appropriate?


  1. Amazing quality and production as always, Jonathan. The 2014-2015 (well almost) transition has been seamless for your work. Happy New Year! Dean

    1. Appreciate your very kind comments, Dean!

      Happy New Year to you!

  2. The Gauls look great!

    I think it depends what you plan on playing in the future in regards to full or basic Impetus. If your goal is full Impetus then I recommend teaching that version, but if you plan on playing both full and basic then start with basic as it's a quick starter.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Christopher and Happy New Year to you!

      Basic is easier to remember for me so I may go that route. If time permits, I will read through the Full version. Maybe picking it up will not be too difficult?

  3. Great looking models. I like the hand painted shields.

  4. They look great, very nice job and splendid colors!

  5. Your warband looks wonderful, Jon. I've always liked the look of the Gallic figures and shields . . . and, yes, you do need to paint up more of these lads so you can share the photos with us.

    May they have an auspicious debut on Saturday and may your New Year be a delight-filled one, sir.

    -- Jeff

    1. Thanks, Jeff!

      Since I have the lead, I imagine other units will be popping up. My wishing these fellas well in battle depends primarily upon which side of the table I sit on Saturday...

      Happy New Year to you!

  6. these Galatians (Celts) look great and lovely basing too


  7. Brilliant work! Love the checks, and woad. And the wild and wooly look to the war band. You know, once you start down this path, madness follows. ;-)

    Happy New Year, Jonathan. I hope you have a great one. See you in 2015!

    1. Monty! Thank you very much!

      If you saw my game room, you would know I passed the exit to saneness some time back. The path I am on only leads to madness...

      Happy New Year!

  8. I quite like these fellows - they combine colourful and vicious in equal measure and show off some skillful brushwork. Wishing you and yours a very happy new year.

    1. I like your description of "colorful and vicious," Michael!

      Happy New Year to you!

  9. Excellent way to finish up 2014 and a useful addition to your Punic War project. Wish them the best of luck in their baptism of fire on saturday. Looking forward to your work in 2015.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year to you, Soren! Thanks for dropping and contributing. Much appreciated!

  10. They look like some of the guys I saw stumbling out of the Bar last night.... Seriously, great work. I am looking forward to seeing how your game with Impetus goes.

    Happy New Year. Jon!

    1. Very funny, Peter! Had I been out last night, i would have seen much the same.

      Happy New Year!
