
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

One-Two Tuesday

Two small figure groupings head off the painting desk.  With such small numbers of figures, why not combine them into one posting?

Having dispatched a few French light mortars off the painting desk a few weeks back, I remembered that a few packs of Peter Pig heavy French mortars were in The Lead Pile.  To keep pace with the German escalation, heavy mortars were needed.  Built up were two stands of mortars with three crew each.  The Peter Pig WWII figures are always well sculpted with good detailing.  A little on the chunky side but some of that could very well be due to the greatcoat.  Excellent figures and useful additions to the project.
After the arrival of the first snowfall yesterday, thoughts turned to winter gaming on the arctic front and battling among the fjords and mountains of Norway.  With mortar team reinforcements, perhaps, the French will have more success?

The rummage through The Lead Pile also surfaced several packs of Minifigs' 15mm AWI figures picked up from eBay for a pittance.  With a renewed interest in the 15mm AWI collection spurred by recent work on Land of the Free, one pack of natives was withdrawn.  The project has seen no natives fielded, thus far, so high time to add at least one unit.

Compared to the Peter Pig French just finished, the Minifigs' natives are quite delicate little models.  The detailing is very good and despite the delicate detailing paint quickly.   While I will not be able to recreate Oriskany yet, this unit is a start for building a small native contingent.

The paint desk is full of an assortment of figures once again.  Next off the paint table will likely see an addition to the 28mm Punic War project.


  1. Great job on these units, love mortar team...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, gents!

      The Two Phils can always be counted on for an encouraging comment.

  3. Lovely work, Jonathan. An interesting contrast between the PP and Minifigs figures. I just got my first Peter Pig minis lately and am painting them to mix with some Plastic Soldier Co Soviets. I also find PPs a little chunky but they seem to work.
    I love the French guys in the background who are holding the mortar bombs. There's something startled about their body language - "Mon Dieu! Zee bomb, eeet iz fizzing! Zis cannot be tres bon."

    1. Michael, certainly a different sculpting style between PP and Minifig. To me, Minifig look better in the stiff 18th century poses rather than more modern conflicts.

      PP are more animated, for sure. I have PP Samurai and WWI and both ranges are excellent. The Samurai have more detailing than I can see to paint

      Nice, outragious French accent!.

  4. I like the addition of the native Americans - definitely needed for 18th century warfare in the America, especially the Algonquins and the tribes of the Iroquois Confederation.

    1. Quite right about the need for natives. Something I have been lacking in the 15mm AWI project. When I picked this pack up, I also got a pack of Mission Indians. Those look good too.

  5. Nice painting Jonathan - and don't let that lead pile stress you. It's as inevitable as death and taxes. Did you say Punic Wars in 28? Great period - what make are you going for; Aventine, Agema or Victrix?


    1. As inevitable as death and taxes? That is depressing. I always thought the Lead Pile provided a bit of comfort.

      For the 28mm Ancients project, I have a mix. Currently I have Renegade (although no longer available), Aventine, Black Tree Design, 1st Corps, and Crusader. Also, one manufacturer that is unknown to me! Those unknown figures will be showing up next. Perhaps someone will identify them?

      Thanks for the comment, Soren!

  6. Nice drop and interesting contrast in figures & periods! I'm painting some 15mm OG for the Punic ear so I'm keen to see your 28s. I wish my ancients friends would play that scale but no. I'll just admire yours!

    1. Monty! Working on 15mm OG Punic War project? That will be beautiful, for sure. Will this be an army to keep or sell for you?

      I bet if you painted enough 28s for a small battle, your gaming friends might be drawn towards the flame.

      In the meantime, I still have Punic War figures in The Lead Pile to paint and show.

    2. I'm rushing to start a Roman army with mercenary parts that can be ported to Carthage as well. Its a little slapdash as its for myself.

      I think I will paint up ancients in 28mm just for myself. I'd be bummed if I painted it and it never got used. Maybe I need to come at this with a different mindset. I look forward to your project and hopefully, you can get in a game and another Punic War AAR.

    3. Well Monty, I have an easy solution to your 28mm dilemma. If you paint them, never use them, and are feeling down,


      We will BOTH be happier!
