
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Eureka! Mystery Package - Solved!

Look what arrived into my mailbox this afternoon!
At first I thought hooray, figures in the mail!  After that initial euphoria, I began to wonder when did I place this order?  Recalling no such recent order with Eureka, I wondered if this was a long forgotten back order.  Did I accidentally hit "Buy" on a recent browse while placing items into my shopping cart?

Quite puzzling.

Then, thoughts turned to Secret Santa but it is much too early for that and the address did not carry the tell-tale moniker of Secret Santa.  If this is from my Secret Santa then, whoops, I opened it early.  If not that then I must have a mysterious benefactor.

Perhaps there will be a clue inside the package?  Nope.  Not even a packing slip or invoice.  What I did find were several handfuls of Eureka SYW Prussians.  Yippee!
Mystery box contents
Not only were these the Eureka figures I use for the majority of my project but my benefactor took considerable thought into the purchase.  You see, there were enough figures to build one musketeer battalion and two squadrons of dragoons in the exact proportions that I field!  Outstanding!

The details of picking specific contents for this package and sending it out represent a considerable act of thoughtfulness and generosity.  Acts such as this truly make this hobby what it is; a group of like-minded and generous comrades sharing a passion for toy soldiers.  My deepest thanks to my mysterious donor.
Hopefully, my benefactor steps forward.  


  1. Perhaps a case of "pay it forward?" Regardless, good show by your anonymous benefactor!

    1. Very good show! Secret Santa has paid attention very closely.
      Well done!

  2. Thanks indeed are due. That really is a fine thing.

    1. A guy ought to have multiple Secret Santas. Very fine gift, indeed!

  3. What a very nice surprise! P-H-I-L spells "top bloke"!

  4. It's possible it's your Secret Santa, mine has arrived and is now awaiting the tree being put up before it can go under it.

    Of course it could be totally unrelated, I will ask Cath to check with your SS


  5. What a truly nice thing to do, and those minis look fantastic. Looking forward to seeing them in full color and ready for Leuthen!

  6. Look forward to seeing them all painted up.:-)


  7. Secret Santa or not you've done very well you lucky bugger!

  8. I've had confirmation and yes it's from Santa seems Eurika forgot to add the SS in the name tag.

    So it's back under the tree with them


    1. Thanks, Ian and mystery solved!

      Back under the tree? No tree yet. I will repackage and let them taunt me from a bookshelf for the next six weeks...
