
Saturday, September 27, 2014

State of the Painting Desk

State of the painting desk is cluttered, but fully engaged, as usual.  More 28mm Napoleonics are crossing the painting desk this weekend.  On the table are two units of Frenchmen in progress.
First, in the foreground, are 16 figures to be fielded as a battalion of French line infantry plus one mounted officer.  Figures are Elite Miniatures which I picked up at a bargain price.  No parade ground troops here.  All are in campaign dress and look to have been in the field for quite awhile.  Elite Miniatures have a distinct sculpting style and I suppose you either like them or you do not.  To me, they have a certain character and I like them.  Elite are sculpted in the chunky style and fit in most closely with some of the Front Rank figures.

Second, and in the background of the photo, are eight Front Rank French dragoons.  These eight horsemen will muster out as two squadrons of the 18th.  Nice figures and these are the second set of eight dragoons to be fielded for the project.

Once the Minwax stain cures, basing will begin.

With these figures nearing  completion, what is next on the painting desk?  I think I will stick with the French theme and push across a handful of 15mm French mortar teams for the Narvik project and four French guns and crew for the 1799 Suvorov project.

Of course, plans may change and I would enjoy finishing out my replay of the Arroyo con Pollo scenario begun some time ago.  


  1. Looks like my table, with parallel projects amassing amongst the painting pots - good choice with some French support for those Norwegians!

    1. Yeah, I seem to always have more than one unit in work at any one time.

      The Norwegians already have a lot of French support!

    2. I realize you're doing this in 15, but - have you seen the French by Gorgon-Studios? Their WW2 range is sculpted by Mike Owen, and dangerously tempting.

    3. Soren, you are not kidding! Those are very tempting. For my 28mm WWII skirmish project, I have been using BTD USA but these Owne sculpts are fantastic.

  2. Frenchmen through the ages - just need some knights in the mix! :-)

  3. They look great, Jonathan. Although I don't have any Elite - I've seen enough on the blogs (as yours) and like them. They actually have a look like OG 1st Ed. Napoleonics - which I like. The Dragoons look great too, of course. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean! I do not have any of the Old Glory 1st Edition troops. Maybe I should pick up a few to see for myself? One of my friends always comments that my Elite Miniatures figures, with their heads cocked back and looking skyward, always seem to be looking up to us, saying "Yes, Master!"

  4. Looks a pretty clean table, you should see mine!!!

    1. Hey Ray! I would like that! Let's see your painting table.

  5. Man that's a lot of troops in the 1 go Jonathan!
