
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Napoleonics- 28mm Figure Comparison +2

Having recently completed a figure comparison of 28mm Napoleonic figures (see earlier review, here), I should not be surprised that that review was quickly made obsolete. Why?  I received a sample Britannia British Napoleonic figure from a fellow I have been buying Elite Miniatures from and a package from Front Rank arrived this past week loaded with new models.

To update the earlier comparison, both Britannia and Front Rank Reinforcement Pack (Front Rank RP) have been added to the line-up.
To my eye, the Britannia figure seems more on the caricature style of sculpting and the anatomy looks odd to me and quite chunky.  Head seems oversized compared to the length of arm and torso.  Also, the legs look too short but that could be an illusion because of the deeply bent knees.  With knees bent that deeply and head and pack so large, the poor chap may not be able to stand under such weight!  He might fit in ok with Front Rank and Elite since they are on the chunky side but might look odd with the others.

The package from Front Rank contained one of the Reinforcement packs of French infantry in bicorne.  Really terrific figures with crisp detail and good anatomical structure.  These are exquisite figures.  The anatomy is better than some earlier Front Rank figures and the sculpting style is very close to Paul Hick's Brigade Games' figures.  I have been eyeing these Reinforcement packs for awhile now and finally decided to give them a try.  I am glad I did!


  1. I quite like the look of Eagle Figures, here's a link to them.....

    1. Hi Ray! The Eagles figures do look nice. Many, many years ago, I had a bunch of Eagles figures for my FIW project. The figures were absolutely gigantic!

  2. Based on your photo comparison, I agree, it's Front Rank all the way.

    1. The newer Front Rank figures are especially well done. I like Hicks' work for Brigade Games too. All have a certain charm, though.

  3. Jonathan,

    Unlike most gamers I have never had an interest in Napoleonics . . . but I still very much applaud your figure comparison photo and wish that more gamers would post such comparison shots for many different periods and scales so that we could judge for ourselves which figures are "compatible".

    Thank you, sir, for doing this (even though it is for a period I am uninterested in).

    -- Jeff

    1. You are welcome, Jeff!

      The comparison is fitting for Napoleonics because there are just so many manufacturers out there. For my ECW project, I only used two figure companies: Redoubt (for the vast majority) and Renegade.

  4. Great comparison shots! I also really like Fron Rank figures especially the more recent figures which are superb!


    1. I agree completely although give the Brigade Games figures a look too. Quite nice!

  5. Excellent. This kind of comparison is key for mixing. Thanks for sharing, Jonathan!

    1. Glad it might be of use to you. Are you planning to dive into 28mm Napoleonics???

  6. Quite an extensive comparison of makers, Jonathan. I'd say except for the Minden (very slender) and the Britannia (huge) they'd all look fine together - possibly even mixed in the same unit. Best, Dean

  7. Very helpful comparison for anyone starting out on 28's jonathan

  8. your miniatures comparison post is great Jonathan, I would like to know price comparison of the figures?


    1. Hi Phil! That is a good question for which needs answering, doesn't it? I will see if I can pull some sample costs together.

    2. Where do Calpe miniatures fit into this mix if anyone could answer for me please?

    3. Lauren, I have no Calpe figures so cannot really give a valid answer. Anecdotally, I believe they fit well with Front Rank and others towards the larger end of 28mm.
