
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

State of the Painting Desk

The Painting Desk has not received the spotlight for awhile so focus today is on the little square of real estate I occasionally call home.
Yes, it is quite untidy but that is how a workspace is supposed to look, right?  Serious work is being done here!  On the table are figures for two units: 15 Spanish-American War Volunteer Infantry from Old Glory in the back and 13 Punic Wars Libyan spear men from Renegade in the fore.  I wonder when Renegade will resurface and begin producing again?  I hope soon.

In the left foreground are a handful of Baccus 6mm light infantry awaiting primering.  From my recent photo shoot of the 6mm Punic Wars collection and the Cannae battles, I realized that the force could use some additional light infantry components of the spear-chucking variety.  The collection has too many slingers and is understrength on light javelin foot.  Given the adage that if you've got them, paint them, I painted enough slingers to field 9 stands of 8.  Too many!  

On the figure front, several packages arrived within the last week.  Taking advantage of BTD USA's recent 50% discount offering, I picked up additional bowman and Spanish or mercenary spear men.  For the Punic Wars project, included in the order were several packs of Celts with a plan to field several warbands. 
With me beginning to plow through Americans for the SAW project, I piggybacked onto Scott's Old Glory order and added more packs for the project.  Most were Americans but one pack of Spanish infantry tagged along.  


  1. Nice work going on with all of your projects, Jonathan. Not to mention the lead reinforcements you also have waiting in the wings.

    1. With many projects, I never get bored with painting and an incoming lead package is always welcome.

  2. And to think, you were just making progress on the Lead Mountain. Nice haul, I do love a new shipment of figures!

    1. I enjoy a new lead shipment too! You know, I probably have more lead than I can ever paint in this lifetime but sure enjoy collecting.

  3. Love the look of a much-used old desk with evidence of paint! Nice one.

    1. Aaron! Much used, for sure and lots of paint, knife scrapes, nicks, and gouges!

  4. Well, in 6mm I'd recon a slinger is pretty much a slinger that can be used for almost any Ancient army that used them, eh?

    Quite a lot of addition lead grist for the painting mill!

    1. Quite right! Slingers are very generic but how many do two armies need? Maybe four per side is not an unreasonable number then? I am convinced! I did not waste my time painting slingers needlessly.

      "Lead grist for the painting mill" is a good one. I may use that sometime...

  5. Keeping my fingers crossed for Renegade too. Got some nice ACW's and WW1's from them in the past. Looking forward to seeing how those Libyans paint up then!

    1. Yes, I really would enjoy seeing Renegade back in production. I would certainly pick up more Punic Wars and ECW figures.

  6. Thanks for commenting on my blog Jonathan. Where-about in Spokane are you? I am 20 miles NW out HWY 291 past Nine Mile. Are you going to Tacticle Solutions in October?
    Vol Williams

    1. Hi Vol! We are in opposite directions. I am on the South Hill. As for TS, I probably will not attend.

  7. That is quite a lead mountain, not a few drachmas invested there, I suspect!

    1. Consider it insurance against nuclear mishap. Actually not sure the amount of lead in the alloy anymore...
