
Sunday, August 24, 2014

More SAW U.S. Regular Infantry

A second unit of 15 U.S. Regular Infantry for the Spanish-American War Project makes its way off the painting desk.  Again, these are fine sculpts from Old Glory and I find this range a real pleasure to paint.  The figures hold much character and this project is likely to see frequent rotation out of the painting queue for awhile.  As with the earlier SAW U.S.R.I. unit, I am still awaiting the flagging of this unit.

On the painting desk are 15 SAW U.S. Volunteer Infantry and another 15 are in the painting queue.  Following my recent Napoleonic comparison shot, I primered one battalion's worth of Elite Miniatures' French alongside 15 Old Glory SAW infantry.  The difference in size was remarkable.  Given that size disparity, I have downgraded the Old Glory SAW range from 28mm to 25mm in this blog's labels.


  1. Fine looking unit, even w/o the flag!

    I'm not sure it's so much a matter ofthe OG being small as it is the Elite being big! :-)

  2. Excellent looking troops - that whole "Colonial" range by OG is on the smaller side of 28mm. But they do look good in any case.

    1. Thanks, Dean!

      "Smaller side of 28mm?" That's a good one!

      I measured the SAW US infantry and they come in at about 26mm (maybe a little less) from sole of shoe to eye.

  3. Very impressive Jonathan. I have a soft spot for these troops because my father's father wore that uniform. I don't know a lot about him, he was long, long dead when I was born, and my dad didn't say much about him, but he served in the SAW and then in the Philippines during the Moro Rebellion. When that wasn't enough, he went to Montreal in 1914 and joined the Canadian Army, serving four years in the trenches and settling in Canada thereafter. So, it's very cool for me to see these figs. What figures have you found for their opponents?

    1. Michael, that is a great piece of family history!

      For the Spanish, I am using Old Glory figures as well. You can see photos of the Spanish by clicking the "25mm Spanish-American War" label in the "Labels" section.
