
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

SYW Prussian 10th Musketeers

Returning back to the 18mm SYW project, the first battalion of Musketeer Regiment #10 rolls off the painting desk.  The 10th is wearing its distinctive lemon yellow waistcoat, breeches, and facings.  I put them in their summer white gaiters which contrast well against the yellow breeches.  The accompanying grenadiers and second battalion remain to be painted to complete the 10th Musketeer Regiment.  The figures are Blue Moon Hessians from the AWI range.

While I still like the Blue Moon AWI figures and thought they were brilliant in the raw lead, the more of these I paint, the less I am enamored with the faces.  Many have faces that a mother would disown.  Oh well, the price point is excellent and from gaming distance, these figures are very good and fit in well with Eureka.  Actually, en masse they look terrific!  With Blue Moon releasing a SYW range proper, I may give the new SYW additions a try.


  1. The Prussian 10th Musketeers look gorgeous wearing their summer uniform. mind you any regiment wearing white gaiters during the SYW or Napoleonic Wars i.e. 1812 Russians look handsome. The white gaiters I guess make the figures pop out more off their bases?.....anyway.. great looking unit Jonathan, well done!

    1. Indeed! White gaiters are for those sophisticated lads wanting to look smart when stepping off for the attack.

      Thanks, Phil!

  2. That look just great! You have a super SYW collection.


    1. Thanks, Christopher. The collection is getting quite large, for sure.

  3. Excellent addition to your collection. Dean

    1. I say any unit mustering out from the painting desk is excellent, isn't it? Thanks!

  4. Fantastic colors! I do see what you mean about the faces... pretty homely, LOL. Units like this remind me why some kind of tricorn army ios on my "someday" list. After i finish all my Napoleonic s, of course. :-)

    BTW, did you se those Gringos 40's 28 mm Genie de la Garde and Marins de la Garde. Definitely *very* shiny! :-)

    1. There is something very inviting about a tricorn era army. Is it the white hat tape and lace? Whatever it is, every gamer should have one!

      I did see the advert from Gringo 40s. Those OG engineers are marvelous and the painting is outstanding!
