
Sunday, July 27, 2014

25mm Scruby Mexicans II

A second small batch of Scruby 25mm Mexicans from the Mexican-American War range departs the painting desk.  These infantry are fielded as the San Blas militia. Like their comrades, the 10th Line before, these are painted in a semi-glossy, Old School style in attempt to approximate the style in an existing collection. 
That does it for my foray into Scruby 25mm figures (for now, anyway!).  A fun little diversion that yielded two more Mexican battalions in little time and for less than $25.  Perhaps some day, the quantity of Mexicans will be able to overcome the American quality on the field of battle?

While these Scrubys have a certain Old School charm about them, I wonder if new gaming projects are still being launched with these figures in mind?  The sculpting is no longer state of the art and they will not fit in with the current crop of 25mm or 28mm figures on the market today.  Actually, with a measurement of about 22mm from bottom of foot to eye, these might fit in satisfactorily with larger, so called 20mm or 1/72nd scale figures.


  1. Nice work on these "vintage" figures, Jonathan. They certainly have a charming old school look. As you mentioned, they wouldn't really fit in with current 25/28mm in both scale and sculpting style, but they would look great on the table with others of the same make using current rules. Best, Dean

  2. I had well over 1,000 Scruby French Napoleonics (and a smattering of other Scrubys) that gave wonderful performance on the Battlefield until their retirement by way of giftying circa 1998. They nwork fine on their won, but wouldn't really mix well with any modern ranges. OK with Hinton Hunt, Airfix figures, though. They really are perfectly servicveable for the 3 foot viewpoint wargames effect!

    1. The three foot rule certainly works for these Scruby figures. In fact, with my eyesight, that rule is considerably less!

      So, do you think these would mix with 1/72 Airfix plastics?
