
Monday, March 17, 2014

Moorish Cavalry for the Reconquista

Work continues on bolstering the cavalry arm of the Moorish factions in the Reconquista project.  After the first Impetvs game in October, the Moors have not faced a live adversary.  The collection has been out on the gaming table a couple of times since then but only for solitaire maneuvers.  My spring is shaping up to allow few opportunities for gaming so this four figure unit of medium cavalry will go into barracks with its comrades until then.

These four horsemen are BTD figures and will look familiar to those following the blog.  Familiar not as a result of recycling pictures of existing units but because this stand is the fifth such unit mustered.  Work progressed on these horsemen in between my other painting project: full size painting and redecorating of the formal dining and new library.

While most of the BTD Post-Christmas order is in hand, a number of horses are still straggling.  Once stragglers arrive, I plan to field several more such cavalry units.  Oh, possibly one or two more camelry to add to the roster too.


  1. Those look great. I really like this army. It's too bad you're not letting them kill anything.

  2. Do not tempt me with that please! They look great, love the colors...

    1. Thanks, Phil! It is an interesting array of costumes to paint. You may enjoy it.

  3. Another great unit. The problem is we need more time to exercise all of the forces we keep generating. I really want to haul my Spaniards up again for another bout!

    1. Yes, we need to find time for gaming now that we have build these good-sized armies.

  4. Nice job with these, Jon. The subtle suggested patterns on the saddle blankets are especially nice!

    That aside, you and Jake have to meet over the table sometime soon...

    1. Thanks, Peter!

      Quite right. Jake and I need to get another game planned unfortunately, our schedules don't seem to mesh for a one or two. We may be able to squeeze one in, though.

  5. Agree on the saddle blankets, looks very nice. Like the basing as well.

  6. Very cool brushwork, Jonathan. Your Moors are certainly a stunning force. Dean

  7. Great looking Moors, Jonathan! By my count, you'll need to move up to a 9' table any day now. Certainly, it's great to have a deep bench and be able to field exactly the army you want.

    The Reconquista has appeared in my readings of late. The wonderful part of history is that you can read and read and still not get your arms around an era.

    1. Thanks, Monty! 9 feet deep or wide? My current table is 12' x 6' and 6 feet is about all the table width I can handle.

      What are you reading on the Reconquista? I agree with your assessment on historical reading. Even though history is finite, we always can find something else to pursue in our readings on a period.

  8. Wow! I wish I lived within driving distance. That is a monster setup. Paired with your monster collection, we'd be busy for some time! I'm quite jealous that you fellows have Impetus in 28mm rolling!

    1. Monty, you are within driving distance...two days, that is.
