
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cacciatori del Alpi

Jake stopped by the house on Tuesday for a couple hour hobby discussion and to pick up his portion of end-of-year BTD order.  Of course, topics included scheduling upcoming games and current and future projects.  It was Christmas when we last got together for a game and we had catching up to do even though many of our hobby activities are documented in our blogs (see Jake's excellent blog).

Discussion quickly turned to Jake's Renaissance Italian Wars project in 28mm.  He has been busily churning out units for his project and I have been sorely tempted on many an occasion to contribute.  Well, after the pep talk on Tuesday, I prepared a list of Wargames Foundry Landsknecht.  On Friday I pushed the send button and I should have enough figures to field one Landsknecht square and two units of heavy Gendarme cavalry from the Impetvs lists.  Getting them into the painting queue might pose another problem.

Speaking of the painting queue, I finished the second battalion of Cacciatori del Alpi for the Sardinians in my 15mm Risorgimento project.  These Cacciatori were part of Garabaldi's Redshirts.  As their sister battalion before, the figures are Battle Honors Zouaves.  The sculpts are not the best and the figures are a little fragile but they will do.   

Next off the painting desk will likely be one Impetvs stand of medium Moorish cavalry with spear.


  1. They look great, and wow - they literally did wear red shirts (and kepis, it seems). Should definitely stand out on the tabletop!

    1. Thanks, Peter! Yes, they did wear red although some sources suggest that the Cacciatore wore a dark blue cap and tunic in 1859. My notes show the standard blue-gray greatcoat was also worn in the field. To add some color to the Sardinians why not put the Garabaldi in their famous red shirts?

  2. Landsknechts are a gateway drug, soon they will take over your desk....

    Nice figures. The redshirts ensure you know which unit won't survive the next landing party...

    1. "Landsknechts are a gateway drug..."

      I love it!

    2. To me, ALL historical eras seem to qualify under that moniker.

  3. Great looking troops, very nice work!

  4. A period I don't know much about?? Great looking troops!!!

    1. Thank you, Ray! Stay tuned and you may learn more!

  5. Nice Red Shirts - Jonathan. I visit Jakes' blog often and have also watched his Italian Wars project with interest. This particularly because of my Empire Army possibly needing another outing someday. Regards, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean. Jake has been a maniac with his Landsknechts lately.

  6. They look nice Jonathan and I'm looking forward to your Italian Wars project.


    1. Christopher, my goal is only to field a unit or two for Jake's Italian Wars project. Hopefully, I can stick to that!
