
Thursday, February 27, 2014

BTD Year-End Sale Package Arrives!

Yes, the order I placed to Black Tree Design, USA on 28DEC2013 arrived in today's post.  Almost two months to the day, the box of lead finally showed up on my doorstep.  Well, most of the order arrived.  There are still a few items on back order but still, what is more fun than receiving a package of lead in the mail?
Box of Lead
Several of us got together an after-Christmas order to BTD to take advantage of their Christmas/Year-End sale.  The sale featured a 50% discount on all items.  Yes, ALL items!  BTD does not offer 50% on everything often so we jumped at the chance to fill our storage sheds with lead.   
New Pile of Lead
Unfortunately, demand from the sale far outstripped supplies and my guess is that huge numbers of orders were back ordered.  To compound the issue, a large proportion of our order was for cavalry that rarely go on sale and casting up the inventory took time.  In fact, we are still waiting on a small pile of horses.

Some may think, you waited two months to receive your order?  Are you mad?  I have always had good and (usually) quick turn around on BTD orders so I wasn't too concerned.  The owner of BTD USA kept me updated with frequent emails apprising me of the status of our order.  Besides, I was not likely to run out of figures to paint anytime soon.

Most of the order contained figures to be added to our Reconquista projects including a lot of cavalry while Scott ordered samples from the Trojan War line.  Boy!  The Trojan War figures are really nice!  Very tempting!

I have some sorting to do this evening.


  1. Wow! I'm glad you finally got your order (and hope the back ordered stuff arrives soon too). I'm still waiting for an order I placed end of January (Khurasan). I saw that BTD sale and was tempted to get a few HYW figs, but went for some Crusader figs - also on sale at the time. Looking forward to seeing your goodies in future posts. Best, Dean

    1. Dean, even the back order was back ordered! The BTD figures offer great quality at a good price especially during their sales.

  2. Sorting out an order into units to paint, etc is one of the fun tings in our hobby that no one else would "get". For 50% off, I'd happily wait 2 months!

    Penurious Pete(r)

    1. Planning and sorting are two favorite components of our hobby. Yeah, I am happy to wait for great savings too!

  3. Awesome! That truly is a box of lead :) Enjoy!

  4. 2 months is a long time to wait, but with a 50% saving, you can't really moan too much...happy painting!!!!

    1. Long time, indeed. I am not moaning so much as documenting the event. I have always been happy with BTD's product and usually their service.

  5. Always a happy day when a package like that shows up. I don't know BTD products, I should check them out.
    I just had a package from Naval and Military Press in the UK show up here this week, shipped on 29 Dec. Better late than never.

    1. Package of lead on the doorstep is always a good day. BTD make terrific ranges of 28mm figures. With frequent sales, they can be had for as little about USD $1 each! Bargain!

  6. Always nice to get figures in the mail!


  7. Nice score! You cannot beat 50%. That is amazing.

    I appreciate you announcing sales like this one, and Foundry's 20% off in December. Even if I don't pull the trigger, it's always worth a look see.

    1. 50% discount is always welcome especially when you carry as much inventory as I do.

      Monty, it is my pleasure and duty to let others know of the figure deals that come across my desk. Glad you find it useful.

  8. I for one am happy for the delay, it's given me to time to try and catch up some other projects.
