
Saturday, January 4, 2014

State of the Painting Desk

I found a bit of time to spend at the painting desk before heading over to Kevin's for a Saturday afternoon game.  The planned scenario is set in 1820's Egypt.  I will find out what he has cooked up when I arrive for battle.  Rules will be TSATF modified for big battles.  Perhaps some of his newly acquired 28mm First Afghan War figures will be featured?  I saw samples of the figures last time we met for a game of Commands & Colors Napoleonics.  A handsome collection of Foundry figures with more to come! 
Painting desk
As my work area contracted to only a few square inches during my morning painting session, time to whip out the camera for a photo.  From the photo, my actual work area appears cluttered; reducing effective work space to a bare minimum.  Cluttered?  It is a mess!

At present, I have four different groups in various states of completion.  On the desk are:

  •  4 x 15mm Sardinian limbers and teams for the 1859 project
  • 22 x 15mm Ashigaru spearmen
  •  4 x 15mm mortars with British crews
  •  4 x 28mm Berber cavalry

A nice assortment of painting projects to keep me from becoming bored with any one of them.  Not included in the photo is work to repair one of my granddaughter's toys.  Still, perhaps the desk is due for a reorg?


  1. 1820s Egypt? Do let us know what's it's all about!

  2. I think that's cleaner than most modellers' corners if you didn't tidy up at all for the picture. Also, storing my paints upside down is something that I've never considered. I wonder if it would be smart with vallejo bottles..

    1. Mikko, no tidying up before the photo. What you see is how it is. For upside down paint storage, I find it helps prevent the pigment from settling to the bottom. Of course, now the pigment settles to the top!

  3. If it isn't cluttered then your not working is my motto so your desk looks perfectly acceptable to me!


  4. MIne is always cluttered. presently on it are 20 RHA gunners, 8 British artillery pieces, a half dozen Prussian mounted officers, and about 20 foot and mounted British officers.... and I just finished gluing on the lances, etc for another 18 Prussian cavalry, plus all the horses for the above!

    1. Peter, you have more WIPs than I. We are both either adept at multi-tasking or cannot focus on one work at a time.

  5. I tend to have more WIP in the winter as I have to plan out my priming more carefully.... then I have a lot of figures prepped and primed , which tends to lead to painting ADD, LOL! Also, at present, I have a lot of horses in process and need to finish the riders!

    1. We are cut from similar cloth wrt stocking primed lead during the short days of winter. Sometimes, even primering in the garage is no option. With temps in the low 20's F, too cold to do much of anything outdoors.

    2. Of course, for the same reasons, Winter is prime painting time!

  6. Impressive collection of WIP you have there, Jonathan. Best, Dean

    1. It will be more impressive when they get off the painting desk and into the "Completed" column!
