
Friday, January 3, 2014

Austrian Limbers for 1859

The last batch of painted figures to pass off the painting desk in 2013 was a set of five Austrian artillery limbers with teams.  Each limber fields a six horse team with three artillery train personnel and two artillery crew on the limber, itself.  Figures are Freikorps and while smaller than the Mirliton Sardinian limber painted earlier, all will look appropriate in the artillery park.  Since the project contains a collection of Old Glory, Mirliton, and Freikorps, some size variation is expected.  These Freikorps limbers and teams are such nice models that any additional limbers will be from this line.  A bonus is that they can be sourced in the U.S.

On the painting desk are four Sardinian limbers and teams to provide artillery mobility for the Sardinians as well.  Like the Austrian limbers above, the Sardinians field six horse teams.


  1. Great work on these, Jonathan. Not a period/conflict I'm familiar with - but interesting uniforms nonetheless. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean. If you are interested in the period, I have one BatRep and a battlefield walk for your perusal.

  2. Very good work, Andrew! I'm looking forward to more 1859 AARs in 2014. I didn't know anything about the conflict until you blogged about your project.

    1. Andrew? You must have been reading Loki's blog!

      I would like to get this collection back on the gaming table too.

    2. I apparently had been priming indoors. No other excuse. ;-)

    3. Well, when it is -10 F, you do what you must to keep the production line moving.

  3. They look really nice! I'm really looking forward to seeing more SYW material as it's a bit less done then other periods.


  4. Very nice work, I too am looking forward to seeing this project grow, keep it up!

    1. Thanks, Ray! Stay tuned. I have a handful of Sardinian limbers on the painting desk now. I need to begin some research on a smaller Sardinia vs Austria action before I can get these fellows back onto the table.

  5. I applaud you for doing so many (fine looking) limbers. While I like the way they look, they're expensive, take up a lot of space, and don't fight, so I usually only do a few per army at most!

    1. Thanks, Peter. Besides your fine reasons not to field limbers, I have one more: I find them a pain to paint. Given the resources these five limbers consumed, I could have fielded 30 cavalry and 5 guns. But, I do like the look of them on the battlefield.

  6. Nicely done Jonathan, a great period...
