
Friday, December 20, 2013

Samurai With Spear

In anticipation of my scheduled, weekend game of Samurai Battles, off from the painting desk goes one more unit for the Samurai Battles' project.  The stand is fifteen Samurai strong and carries an assortment of banners.  Figures are Peter Pig.

With most stands having a variety of banners, it might be difficult to distinguish friend from foe.  Jake had a nifty solution which I mimic (see Jake's solution).  The solution consists of making a number of, what I will call, "unifying banners" and placing one on each stand.  
Unifying Banners
For my stands, I placed a color-coded receptacle (red-heavy, blue-medium, green-light) to quickly identify troop type.  Into this holder will go the unifying banner as shown below:
Now, even with different dress, stands from one faction can be identified easily on the battlefield.

If the weather improves, I'll make the 200 mile round trip trek to Moscow in the morning.  As added motivation, I also have a small Peter Pig resupply awaiting my arrival!


  1. Great looking Samurais, lovely colors!

    1. Thanks, Phil! Samurai with banners look very colorful arrayed on the field of battle.

  2. I am looking forward to seeing them in person. I dusted off the game mat and cards in anticipation.

    1. Likewise for your troops! I look forward to the game.

  3. "Konnichiwa, Samurai san!"

    Hope you both have a most enjoyable battle (or two)!

    1. Thanks but it appears the game will be delayed due to weather.

  4. Great samurai and great solution for the game! I

    I find the prospect of a game great motivation to paint. That and completing a game as well. Makes me think of the forces I should have fielded or need to add. Have a great game, Jonathan!

    1. Monty! You are exactly right! Looking forward to a game, completing a game, seeing a movie, reading a book, etc., ALL provide motivation to paint

  5. Great looking banners and troops!

    1. Thanks, Dean! The collection saw battle today in four separate encounters. Discovered that great looking banners and troops does not guarantee victory.

  6. That's a very elegant solution. I'm a big fan of unobtrusive gaming aids. This is a great example of that.
