
Thursday, December 19, 2013

AWI British Foot Regiment in 28mm

The AWI project has not seen much activity on the painting desk since the blitz in February in anticipation of the first game.  In February, six British foot regiments, one combined grenadier battalion, and one combined light infantry battalion erupted from the painting desk.  Well, a few stands of skirmishers were completed in November but since that comprised only six figures, that hardly counts, right?

Off the workbench this time is a 20 figure regiment of Wargames Foundry British infantry.  The regiment is green-faced (not with envy) and contains a mix of two poses.  One set of figures wears the knapsack while the other set is carrying only light equipment and without lace.  Upon reflection, I am not exactly certain of the lineage of the hat men in light kit.  I don't see these figures on the Foundry website and I don't believe Perry make British in bicorn.  The sculpting style is very compatible so I will leave at that!


  1. Very nice looking unit of redcoats!


  2. Interesting details you point out - I would've missed them from the photos. I notice too that only some of them have lacing on the lapels - elites? Nice work all around in any case. Best, Dean

    1. The infantry with lace on the jackets are in the 1768 Warrant dress with lace and accoutrements. The chaps without lace and frills are in more of a campaign coat with the lace removed. Those lacy frills probably got snagged on every bush and bramble passed. Better to remove them.

  3. A most handsome unit; the difference in figure styles is imperceptible. Many old codes of Foundry stuff disappeared for unknown reasons, I understand.

    Who did the flags?

    1. Thanks! The flag is a Victrix transfer. I know, they only offer Napoleonic flags but I compared flags of British regiments AWI vs Napoleonic to find a few that remained pretty much the same.
