
Thursday, December 26, 2013

28mm Reconquista Gallery

When I began the Reconquista project in July as a test for Impetvs, I did not envision that the project would expand as it did.  In the six months since July, a total of 31 Impetvs stands have been fielded (and counting).  To centralize and document the current state of the collection, a Gallery page has been created in the header tabs above.  

Matched against Jake's collection, two sizable armies can be arrayed for battle.  We managed to get a couple of games in with the figures as well.  What a fun and interesting project!  Plenty of unpainted lead remains for the painting table.

A small selection of my favorite units are:

All of the component stands in the collection can be viewed from the 28mm Reconquista Page.


  1. Excellent looking troops - the script on the shields of the last unit are particularly impressive! Warm Regards, Dean

    1. Thanks, Dean! I'm partial to that stand of Black Guard too!

  2. Lovely stuff, Jonathan! Keep 'em coming!

  3. This has become one of my favorite projects. I added a companion page to my blog for the "OPFOR" to your collection.

    1. Your gallery will be helpful for choosing forces for scenarios.

      I like it!

  4. Great looking troops, and a good use of the "pages' feature of Blogger!

    1. It does help in organization to have all of the units in one central location rather than strewn about the blog.

      There is inertia to overcome in actually getting all of the photos in place, though.

      Thanks for your comments!

  5. A great set of units, especially for me the Black Guard...
