
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

28mm Reconquista - African Spear

Before the household stirs to life this Christmas morning, I find time to post a quick painting update.  

My first dozen Artizan figures from The Moors range migrated from the painting table.  These figures are African spearmen.  The sculpting is exquisite especially in the facial detailing.  I would like a few more of these Artizan Moors.

With the Reconquista Project's stand count now consuming about a half dozen containers, one project to tackle over the holiday is to group photos of each unit into a Gallery.

Speaking of Galleries, I added the latest AWI British foot regiment to the 28mm AWI Gallery page.


  1. Nice work as always, Jonathan. I take it these are based for Impetus (haven't played the rules before). Is that area in the rear of the stand for IDing the unit? I noticed that area on some of your earlier work for this project. I've started to rebase a lot of my single figures onto 40mm squares for either Hail Caesar or Black Powder. Tired of individual casualty removal. Anyway - Merry Christmas and wishing you a great New Year. Dean in Puyallup

    1. Hi Dean! Correct on both counts; based for Impetvs with a left rear cleat for unit information.

      I'm with you with respect to single casualty removal. I also prefer single element maneuver units with whole element casualty removal. Impetvs addresses this desire perfectly.

      Happy Holidays to you and your family!

    2. I may have try it out someday - although I'm not much for learning new rules - heck I'm currently refreshing myself with Hail Caesar and Black Powder :)! Regards, Dean

    3. Dean, I'm not as adept at having rules 'stick' as some of my regular gaming buddies but Impetvs rules 'stuck' fairly quickly. The mechanisms are quite basic and just make sense in play.

  2. More great work for the Reconquista project!

    I hope to find a partner for Impetus in 2014. In the meantime, I come here for my fix. Merry Christmas!

    1. Merry Christmas, Monty!

      I hope you find an Impetvs partner in the new year too. If not and you want an FtF fix, come on out to the Palouse!

    2. If only we had a West Coast vacation on tap! That is mighty kind to offer. :-)

  3. Another great unit. The colors all tie in wonderfully.

    1. Thanks, Jake!

      The Artizan figures are really a joy to paint.

  4. They look great! Artizan does indeed produce fantastic Moors which both look great and are a pleasure to paint.


    1. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!


    2. Thank you, Christopher! I agree completely wrt Artizan.

      Happy Holidays to you and your family too!

  5. Very nice figures. "Tell them Balthazar sent us..."

  6. These look great and well painted for sure

