
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Spanish in Cuba 1898

Spain Cuba for the Spanish!

A project started years ago and then abandoned may require further consideration.  The Spanish-American War project began as a joint project at least 15 years ago.  One of my gaming buddies had always had an interest and ties to the American forces in the Spanish-American War so wanted to field an American contingent.  I agreed to field some Spanish for small unit actions.
Old Glory Spanish
I built up about eight Spanish units along with a couple of guns.  We gamed with the figures on a number of occasions but as often happens, a relocation brought an end to the project.  Luckily, another gaming buddy showed an interest in the period and he began collecting U.S. forces for the conflict.  Again, relocation put a hold on the project while he was deployed overseas.

Having finally given up on the project,  I put the figures up for offer.  Another gaming buddy took the figures and held them for a year or so before finally deciding to return them.  While the collection was away, I painted a few more figures that I had laying around.  Now with the Spanish back in house, I need to decide what to do with them.
Spanish Collection
First thing I did was run a few figures through the dip.  The dip tends to bring out highlights and gives the figures a more campaign look.  In this case, the relief on the helmet band was nicely raised.  I like that effect.
Sample before dip
Sample after dip
With too many figures for single stand movement, I need to settle upon a new basing scheme.  My thought is to base these figures three per 60mm x 30mm stand and see how that looks.  This basing scheme should work with many rules sets especially Field of Honor. I may change my mind but this provides a starting position.  

Now, what to do with my languishing 1/1200 Spanish-American War naval collection...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Christopher. At this point, it is very much a work-in-progress while I figure out what to do with it.

  2. The dip really brings them to life. Good luck with the period.

    1. Thanks, Sean! Not quite sure what to do with these yet but since they returned I must be meant to keep them.

      Appreciate your comments.

  3. The Velas brothers have run a great attack upon San Juan Hill scenario (using Piquet: Din of Battle) a number of times over the years...

    1. Peter, I would be interested in seeing that. Do you have the scenario information available?

    2. No but I can ask the bros Velas for same if they still have it...

  4. Very nice! A period that I know very little about!

    1. Thanks, Ray! Stay tuned, we both may learn something!

  5. Very nice, I am going to have to paint up a Spanish Marine unit for the Congo. Why not? Right? Your figures look great.
    Last Stand Dan

    1. Welcome, Daniel!
      Why not Spanish Marines for the Congo, indeed! I look forward to seeing them.
