
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Roman Heavy Infantry in 28mm

Having recently produced 96 6mm Roman heavy infantry, I switched figure size but kept within the same genre.  This time, Roman heavy infantry in 28mm made it onto the worktable.  These Renegade Miniatures' figures are armed with gladius and led by an Aventine officer.  The raw lead came into my possession from a lead swap with Scott.

Knowing that I would be fielding the Punic Wars collection in their first battle, my plan was to bolster the Roman contingent just in case they were needed to balance the forces.  The Romans required no additional assistance in the game. Although these heavies saw no service in that distant battle, they are present for duty in the next contest.


  1. Hey! I think those were my figures before Scott had them. Glad they found a good home. ;-)
    Love the paint job. They look rough and ready to go.

    1. Glenn! I bet these were surplus figures from your "little" CCA project. They have found a good home. Do you have any more unpainted Renegade figures laying about the house?

    2. I don't actually. I 'sold' my entire lead pile to Scott in exchange for painting services for my Napoleonic Russian army...which is beautiful (of course). The pile did have a decent collection of Renegade Romans as well as ACW, and maybe some odd Carthaginian figs. Maybe Scott would do a trade for them.

    3. Well, Scott must have traded to me some his leftovers, then...

  2. Excellent, Jonathan! Tough as can be, and the yellow suits them just fine.

  3. Lovely job! They look like they know that they're about.

    1. Thanks! I really do like the look of the Renegade Romans.

  4. I wouldn't want to be opposing these chaps! Lovely work Jonathon.

  5. Romans in two (very different) scales. magnificent but "Hoc ducit ad insaniam!" :-)

    1. Does same period, two scales lead to madness if each is for a different set of rules and anticipated experiences?

      I hope not!

  6. Very nice paintjob, shields are wonderful!
