
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Roman Heavy Infantry in 6mm

After having recently finished a batch of 6mm Italian hoplites, I dipped back into The Lead Pile for more 6mm Punic Wars figures.  This time, enough figures to field three stands of heavy infantry hit the painting desk.  With heavy infantry mounted eight Baccus strips per base, the total figure count would be 96 in 24 strips.  My recollection is that these are the later sculpts.  As in the hoplites painted earlier, this batch of figures was completed in a couple of painting sessions.  Nice, quick work with no time to suffer the drudgery of painting a large number of the same figure.  My inventory only had enough command strips for two of the elements so the third will be without command.

The Punic Wars project is finished although I discovered in my recent CCA game that I could use a few more stands of light infantry.  Javelin armed, light infantry (velites) remain in inventory for the Romans but I may need a small handful of light infantry for Hannibal's army.  If anyone has a few to trade, let me know.     


  1. Great looking Romans in 6mm. These go well with Hotz' Roman Seas. Best, Dean

  2. Good looking solid blocks, I can see them cutting through the enemy


  3. I love the mass-effect of the unit - 6mm really is the best scale for massive troops.

  4. Look good, excellent use of the 6mm Mass effect!

  5. Thanks, Guys! 6mm really is about mass effect and seeing splashes of color.

  6. Very nice looking troops, love the mass effect...

  7. Great work Jonathan, they look really cool!!

    1. Thanks, Ray! The mass effect is even better when I have 1,000 of the little guys deployed on the table.

  8. Beautiful! So much nicer than the wooden blocks in C & C!

    1000 figs would be something.

    1. Thanks, Monty! I agree that miniatures beat blocks every, single time.
