
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Preparing a Punic Wargame, Impetvs Style

Jake is driving up from Moscow to try our hands with Impetvs and the Punic Wars.  Hopefully, he'll make it through the snowstorm without incident.  In anticipation, I deployed the troops onto the table and prepared them for battle.  This is the first time the project has been on the gaming table for action.  What began as a small foray into fielding opposition for Scott's massive 28mm Ancients collections, my own, modest project underwent scope creep.  Currently, two 400 point Impetvs armies can take to the field with more to come.

Today's contest will be a nearly even match across open terrain as we give Impetvs (Basic or Regular?) a go.  Now, on to troop deployments... 
Carthaginian lines
Carthaginian lines
Roman lines
Roman lines
Carthaginian lines
Carthaginian Left
Carthaginian lines
Roman Legion
Roman Legion
Roman Right


  1. A great period and some beautiful minis...

  2. Jon, those just look beautiful. That's a great collection!

  3. Lovely miniatures! This is very tempting. Would you be willing to share your lists?

    1. Thanks, Michael! My lists were comprised of what I had painted. Nothing too scientific nor optimization scheme going on in preparation for this game.

      I will certainly share.

  4. Very nice! Great looking armies using a great rule set!


    1. Thanks, Christopher! It is a good set of rules. We'll be playing more.

  5. Splendid work, Jonathan. Great to see it all out on the table and down to your first game!

    My money is on Carthos and I suspect the Iberians will cause difficulty with their extra impetus dice. If you get a chance, the full set rules has some great chrome, like Throwing the Pilum for the Romans. Color me green!

    1. You may want to be more careful with your money...,;-)

    2. The Roman legions cut through the FL with relative ease. The Libyan FPs did manage to blunt the Roman attack.

      We threw in pila throwing as well as swapping the line for the Romans.

      We enjoyed the game!

    3. Despite the Romans having a higher break point, it was a very closely contested match. Wouldn't you agree?

    4. I would completely agree. It was a close run thing. The roman equites sold themselves dearly to buy time to collapse the center. Swapping the line I think made all the difference as it allowed me to feed in fresh Princepes to overwhelm the Carthaginian main line.

    5. LOL! Love that line, Dartfrong. Don't tell my wife that I'm quite incapable of making an intelligent prediction.

      I'm glad to hear it was a great time!

    6. Monty, NEVER place your money on me to win!

    7. Since I made the jump into historicals 3 years ago, I lose all the time. I was introduced to a new guy and he said "oh yea, you're the guy who rolls poorly." BUT, about 3 months ago, everything changed and I'm on fire! I'm beating people I've never beat and my dicing is great. I'm proof that the Law of Large Numbers will kick in and turn it around for you! ;-)
