
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reconquista Interlude

With the recent, steady stream of Reconquista units rolling off from the painting desk, I pushed a unit for the Punic War project into the production line.  This time, a Libyan spear unit from Renegade Miniatures.  As all Renegade figures I have, these are big 28's and thirteen figures fill up one Impetvs-sized base.  I should note that the officer is not Renegade but an Aventine Roman officer that has been pressed into service.  I figured the best dressed Carthaginians would be either heavily influenced by Roman fashion or simply "acquired" a Roman officer's kit.

Back to my regular Reconquista blitz...


  1. Looking very good, Jon. I see you had the same problem with the transfers that I did. I have no real clue how to keep them from folding like that, but scoring the back in a crossing pattern (like cutting a pizza) did help.

    1. Quite right about the transfers. I'll try your recommendation the next time. I was hoping with the stain that the transfer imperfections would take on the appearance of hack and slash marks on the shield. I guess not!

    2. I just had a similar problem with the Norman transfers from Flags of War. (They lack a cut out for the shield boss) Are you using decal set?

    3. No decal set for these. Can that be used with LBM transfers?

    4. I use it for all decals. It works well as a fixative, and reduces the bubbling/wrinkling.

  2. Great paintjob on these Lybian spears!

  3. A great diversion.You are very hard at it on the painting table!

    1. Monty, I have a Reconquista blitz underway in an attempt to keep pace with Jake.
