
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

28mm Reconquista - Black Guard

After the diversion of hosting the Port Republic game this past weekend, work resumes on the Reconquista Project.  My compatriot, Jake, has been churning out Impetvs units with abandon.  Some of his latest works can be seen at his blog (see Jinettes).  Scrolling through Jake's list of completed units, I see I have some work to finish in order to remain close in the arms race. 

Today's unit is a Black Guard infantry stand from Gripping Beast.

This was my first order to Gripping Beast and I am delighted with the quality of the figures.  In the Impetvs lists, up to two such units may be fielded in an army.  I think I'll order one more unit's worth of these, striking figures.  Hopefully, their Spanish foes will be intimidated by their presence.


  1. Good thing about these is they're a nice easy paint job! Great work Jonathan!

  2. They look nice here, Jon, but they look even better in person.

    1. Thank you, Scott! My pictures never turn out as crisp as yours. Could it be the operator?

    2. Picasa is my only secret. But all miniatures look better in person.

  3. Wonderful! I was secretly hoping that there might be a unit in all black and here they are. It's a great look for them and the Arabic on the shields is the icing on the cake.

    Can I ask, what are they rated in Impetus? More dice or a higher morale?

    1. Thanks, Monty! For Impetus, the Black Guards are rated as 'B' Discipline with one Impetus die. VBU can be either '4' or '5' depending upon time period. They should provide some tough resistance.

  4. Very cool, and thanks for posting your buddy's link as well. It's going to be interesting seeing these develop together.


  5. Black and white...fabulous work with black and white, and it's very difficult, you made a great paintjob!

    1. Yes, I liked the black and white too and will probably add at least one more unit in this monochrome scheme.
      Thanks for your comments, Phil!
