
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

28mm Reconquista - BTD Lance Cavalry

After having churned out seven foot units in July, my attention switched to fielding a few cavalry recruits.  The first horse unit off the painting desk is a four figure stand of Muslim lancers.  In Impetvs, lancers are classified as medium cavalry and I decided that four figures would denote a medium cavalry unit.  For heavy cavalry, I'll likely place five figures per stand.

The BTD lancers contain figures and horses in a variety of garb and horse furniture.  The mix gives the cavalry a more irregular look that I like.  After having painted several foot units, I wonder if warrior attire would be more "uniform" than the motley mix I fielded?  I suppose different regions and cultures might have had traditional dress but most would likely have tended towards either what was available or fashionable.

For now, no more second questioning on proper costuming.  Besides, I like the look of a unit in mixed attire.


  1. I agree on the motley look. How many units in an Impetus army?

    1. Army size is a good question. For a beginning army, the rules recommend 500 points but 300 points is acceptable too. Depending upon the mix, 12-16 units ought to be sufficient for a start.

  2. Great looking figures, like Scott above I agree the mixed units do look excellent!

  3. The mixed look works well. Nice job.


  4. Good stuff, Jonathan! I struggle with irregular vs. uniformity all the time in my ancient armies. Here, I think you're spot on.

    With lances, these guys must have a nice number of impetus dice.

    1. Quite right, Monty. Lancers receive either 3 or 2 Impetus dice. Not quite as deadly as heavy cav which wield 4 Impetus dice.
